Panic Anxiety Disorder: Getting the Right Cure

By Cathy Shermann

Panic anxiety disorder can be cured. Yes, no longer would you have to endure the scary and disturbing sensations that come along with panic attacks. You can free yourself from anxiety. But before going into detail with that, it is suggested that you acquaint yourself with the disorder, its symptoms, and what causes it.

What is a panic anxiety disorder?

The first step is to know more about panic attacks. A panic attack occurs when an individual is faced with intense fear or discomfort that goes together with at least four of the thirteen cognitive or physical symptoms.

Three Types of Panic Attacks

- Spontaneous or Uncued Panic Attacks

These are not associated with any situational stimuli. The attack just comes out of the blue, and could even happen during sleep or relaxation.

- Situational or Cued Panic Attacks

Here, a trigger or a stimuli can cause the attack. This happens when the sufferer is in anticipation of an event or situation where a previous attack had been experienced.

- Situationally Pre-disposed Panic Attacks

While prone or inclined to having a panic attack in a given situation, the individual could either have an attack or not in the situation or immediately afterward.

The disorder can worsen over time when these panic attacks and anxiety symptoms are left unattended, or unsuccessfully managed.

What are its common symptoms?

Common symptoms include shortness of breath, tightening of throat and chest, excessive and unnecessary worrying, obsessive worrying that something might go wrong, sweating, dizziness, nausea, and many more.

What causes it?

Panic attack is a complicated condition. Usually, panic attacks are associated with a build-up of events. However, the attack does not necessarily occur immediately after a major life stress. It could also happen at a later time. Some stressors include a death in the family, job loss, financial difficulties, major trauma or illness, divorce, childbirth, unemployment, and etc. But then again, these attacks can also occur without any situational trigger, especially if it is an uncued panic attack.

Can it really be cured?

The condition is definitely curable. If you have experienced panic attacks before, it is best to treat it now to prevent it from becoming a disorder. You can do this with the help of therapy, medication, and so much more. In fact, you can even refer to e-books that are available for purchase online, which will give you some effective techniques in stopping your panic attacks.

How accurate are these? You can be assured of its reliability since there are also many users who willingly post their gratitude and testimonies, so you can read it and recommend it to others, too. Aside from that, some e-books come with 'satisfaction guaranteed' offers that give you your money back if you're dissatisfied with the e-book. Also, most authors are very well-informed and knowledgeable about the topic so you are at least sure that you are getting sound advices and suggestions.

Anyone can suffer with the condition. In the end, you shouldn't be ashamed of what you're going through. It can be cured, and there are many ways to cure it! Don't let it hinder you from enjoying life. So, what are you waiting for? Break free from panic anxiety disorder now. - 29881

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How Do You Deal With Suprising Panic Attacks

By Marie D. Tracy

the general public with nervousness states are simply more alert and aroused than the general population. The chemical processes which underlie nervousness are complex but essentially lead to the body being put into an optimum state of preparedness. One way of looking at tension is that the body goes into this state of readiness without a sane external reason. For many anxiousness sufferers there's a straightforward cure which turns on an attack.

To start with, one must look at easy factors which pre-dispose sufferers to panic fits. Being hungry or exhausted can frequently be an element and simply eating regularly and getting masses of sleep is one remedy similarly, some folk report that they are more prone to these apparently spontaneous panic fits after indulging in alcohol the day before.

Sometimes, spontaneous panic fits are not actually spontaneous. There is a massive amount of research which shows that infrequently the arousal occurring when one gets angry can be misinterpreted as hysteria and sometimes a panic episode may very well be a sense of anger which presents itself a little later after the first event which caused the problem. Sometimes, there are other factors which may produce anxiety which are not so obvious.

However, some panics appear to be really spontaneous. The very first thing to do is to keep a diary and record these panics, trying to also not what may have come before them so as to isolate a cause. Second, keep a note of what you drink and eat. In a number of cases, panic might be caused by the intake of alcohol ( as discussed prior ) or lots of robust black coffee. If a diary keeping exercise does not reveal a cause, think about ways of gradually reducing your base'level of arousal'. Although things like relaxation training and Yoga might be beneficial, it is worth considering adding regular systematic exercise to your routines. There's a great deal of proof which shows that sensible exercise, a minimum-of 20 minutes, 3 times a week, can reduce states of high arousal. It's also worth having a look at your pattern of breathing and seeing whether or not you are hyperventilating. It may be that you are respiring rather quickly from the head of your chest and, some tell-tale signs are presence of pins and needles, yawning and sighing, feeling tired or having muscle cramps. The remedy for this malady is slow, but not deep, diaphragmatic breathing. The 'No Panic' help-line will help you, if required, in learning some simple respiring exercises.

Finally remember that panic can do you no real harm. Glaringly, thus one desires to have a look at how one thinks about such panics and whether there is a pattern of catastrophic thinking. Therefore, one might respond by announcing anxiety puts the body into an ideal state of preparedness, one's heart muscle is in a very healthy condition during increased arousal. Or one may say i have had these panic episodes on numerous occasions and I've had the same though and I'm still alive! Such simple self-help methods can regularly be successful however, if spontaneous panic and disastrous thinking is an issue that may not respond to self-help methods you need to consider asking for a referral to an acceptable cognitive behavior therapist and, again, it may be worthwhile asking the help-line for advice. . - 29881

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Treatment For Panic Attacks Thru Interoceptive Exposure

By Frederick R. Smith

Suffering from panic fits can be extremely stressful and extremely frightful. Panic attacks can come on suddenly and lead an individual to start to avoid activities they enjoy for fear of having an attack. Not surprisingly, being able to cure panic episodes is a dream that most people who experience these symptoms have.

Common signs of a panic attack include increased heart rate, dizziness, sweating and shallow respiring. These symptoms are sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming sense of disaster, or a feeling that you are going to die. These signs often lead a person to believe that something is physically inaccurate - it isn't uncommon for folk experiencing a panic fit to mistake the symptoms for a coronary.

Panic attacks can be cyclical and, once started, the cycle is not very easy to stop. Panic attacks can be triggered when someone experiences a usual panic symptom, which leads to nervousness. For instance, a person exercising may notice their heart rate enlarging, which makes them anxious, which can cause them experiencing more symptoms. This may lead to more foreboding, which could cause the symptoms to reoccur more often. The cyclical nature means it can be tricky to prevent panic attacks, and to stop panic attacks after they start.

what is wonderful to understand is that now we have got a proven treatment for stopping this dangerous cycle, one that may actually cure panic attacks. It is named Interoceptive Exposure and functions through exposing the uneasiness subject to the physical manifestations of a panic episode over and over again in a controlled, safe setting. The subject causes these sensations by hyperventilating ( sometimes breathing thru a little straw ) for a short while. As one purposefully deals with these sensations, he or she experiences many changes which offer the help needed to prevent panic episodes from plaguing his or her daily existence.

When you continually force yourself to experience the sensations that you fear, the very first thing you find is that you will become less and less anxious about them. Facing your fears in a controlled situation teaches you over time that there is no reason for you to feel your illogical fear, and the cycle of tension which controls you can finally vanish.

Over the course of the Interoceptive Exposure care, your bouts of anxiety should trouble you less frequently and with less intensity as well . You may discover that the physical feelings you experience due to these anxiety attacks are not life-endangering and can be managed. This therapy has proven to be highly successful as a means to cure panic attacks, and you may end up on the road to controlling and at last junking your panic episodes.

. - 29881

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Bipolar Spectrum Disorder And The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale

By Sheila Wilson

The diagnostic tool Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) contains nineteen sentences and a rating scale. If a person is having symptoms of mood disorders, a mental health professional may use the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale to determine if the person has bipolar disorder.

S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D., M.P.H. refined the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale originally developed by Ronald Pies, M.D. This diagnostic tool is considered sensitive and can detect all variations and levels of severity of bipolar disorder.

After working with a number of people whose "treatment-resistant depression" was later determined to be undiagnosed bipolar spectrum disorder, Pies was motivated to design the diagnostic tool to accurately diagnose bipolar spectrum disorder that may otherwise be missed. Bipolar spectrum disorder is not an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).

Some mental health professionals use the term bipolar spectrum disorder to include people who have bipolar symptoms, but whose symptoms are not severe enough to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder symptoms that are milder than the guidelines of the DSM is sometimes called soft bipolar disorder or soft bipolar spectrum disorder.

The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale has two sections. The first section has nineteen sentences that describe the main symptoms of bipolar disorder. The patient is to check the sentences that describe their feelings or behaviors.

The second section contains a rating scale. The patients must rate how well the nineteen sentence narrative of section one as a whole fits their personal experiences. The number of the sentences checked in first section is the score for that section.

The score of the second section depends on how the nineteen sentence narrative is rated by the patient. Six points are added to the patient's score if the patient indicated that the story fits them very well or almost perfectly. If the patient says the narrative fits fairly well, four points are added to the patient's score.

Two points are added if the patient's rating is that the story fits to some degree but not in most respects. No points are added to the patient's score if the person says the story does not describe them at all.

Bipolar disorder is considered highly likely if the patient's score is nineteen or higher. If the score is eleven to eighteen, there is a moderate probability of bipolar disorder. There is a low probability if the score is six to ten. Bipolar disorder is considered very unlikely if the score is under five or less. - 29881

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How To Cope With Panic Attacks - Easy Way To Cure Anxiety And Panic Attack

By Lou Cameron

If you listen to most doctors and people, you may think that curing panic episodes and nervousness is straightforward, but it is's not. Panic and hysteria are commonly allied with depression and that is not so simple to fix. It may also be tough to diagnose in numerous cases.

The most often found sicknesses in the united states are panic episodes and uneasiness. There are 5 anxiety disorder types that we will speak of : Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and phobias.

It's said that a lot of scientists, celebrities or politicians have panic episodes or chronic agitation. Abe Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Barbara Streisand or Nicholas Cage are just some of them. You keep good company as you can see.

You can't fix panic and anxiousness simply by wishing really hard. However there are masses of steps that may be taken to ease the symptoms and cure panic attacks and stress. Don't try and force the thoughts of fear out of your head, because they'll simply come back and hit hard.

Try to discover how to surf thru the tension and the panic attacks. Understand that in the final analysis these fears will depart. You are not getting hurt physically, these are just thoughts and they will go away ultimately.

You can work to switch those thoughts. Try thinking about your thoughts as living entities for a second. Try and imagine them as flowers or small trees. Take it out of the ground and burn and you can see it gone. Learn how to repeat doing this whenever you have panic episodes or anxiety. This can be a weapon to fight the panic attacks. Ultimately you could learn to feel the panic attacks or anxiety starting.

Once you learn how to welcome the panic episodes and anxiety you'll see them fade and disappear. Maybe not all the time, but it'll help you recover control. If you are looking online for cures that work for panic fits or foreboding, you might believe that it will cost you hundreds of greenbacks.

This might be standard for northern Americans, but in the UK it's much less expensive or free in some cases, due to the different healthcare system. It's quite questionable the employment of medicine in the treatment of panic episodes or stress. These drugs can help you in the short-term, but you can become addicted to them if you use them for a significant period of time.

And ultimately, remain busy if you can. If you can do that, you will have no time for panic fits or anxiety. - 29881

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Are You Depressed?

By Janet Hoffa

It is becoming more and more common to suffer from depression, and when you are someone who is trying to build a career and live a full life when it happens you are most likely going to need to get some help for it.

The very first symptoms usually involve such as having trouble sleeping and waking up in the middle of the night. There might be headaches involved and you could start to be afraid of not being able to fall asleep at night which will add to the stress you are already having.

Usually someone who is depressed gets the first symptoms without knowing what is going on in his or hers life. It is normal to start feeling anguished and like the walls are falling on you. If you feel like you can't breathe all the time you might be depressed and in the need for medication and or psychotherapy.

There can be short periods of depression with anyone and in those cases it lasts for less than two weeks. This can be a result of something unexpected happening in your life which makes you feel bad. Such could be a break in a long term relationship or a loss of a loved one.

When you feel like you are only going through a process by having a short term season of melancholy, you should not get worried about it. Medication or other treatments for depression are not necessary before you have had these feelings for longer than a month and medication is not necessary in all cases even though the results have been great with minimal side effects while using the new generation SSRI's.

If you feel like you could be depressed it is a good idea to ask people close to you if they have noticed the same thing. If you get a positive answer it is a good idea to go see a doctor for further actions. - 29881

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Is Your Child Suffering From Anxiety

By Kathy Nelson

Many children have anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders usually start at a young age effecting children and teens. Anxiety in children can be overlooked because parents can remember certain times in their childhood that had many uncomfortable feelings and also some awkwardness involved.

Things that as adults we laugh about can cause children some real anxiety. The first day at a new school or their first date can both be things that cause normal worry to turn into an anxiety attack.

If your child suddenly has extreme changes in behavior that seem more extreme than even a normal teenage reaction it may be a sign of some form of anxiety. If normal daily events are causing them to become stressed out, or they stop going out in social situations you may have a child who is battling with anxiety.

There are many possible symptoms of anxiety in a child, sweating and dizziness, having pain or discomfort with no explanations, repetitive behaviors, an over reaction to having physical contact, and insomnia and having trouble sleeping are just a few of them

The years when your child is growing can be the happiest of your life. We all know that a child will develop new skills but they will also develop new fears and worries along with the more usual reading and writing.

The Department of Health and Human services suggests that you observe a child's behavior between the ages of six to eight years old for symptoms that come along with anxiety disorders. During this stage of development a lot of parents begin to notice that their children are less afraid of things in the closet and tend to become more eager to go to school instead of clinging on to mom or dad. There are ways that a parent can tell if their child may need to seek treatment for their behavior.

If you think that your child may have an anxiety disorder then you may want to speak with a healthcare provider. A healthcare professional with a background for treating children can be a child's best hope when it comes to living with anxiety.

Medication and behavioral therapy are used to treat anxiety in children as it is in adults. When you speak to your Dr make sure you know exactly what treatment they are suggesting and also any possible side effects. - 29881

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Find Out How To Cure Panic Attacks Of All Severity Levels

By Faye Swoboda

It can be difficult to live your life to the fullest when you are fearful of sweaty palms, a racing heartbeat, and a tight throat, in other words a panic episode. If you live under the recurring fear of another panic attack than you without doubt have an interest in how to cure panic fits. Panic attacks can be a big hindrance in your life as they can happen at any time and a panic fit isn't convenient. This is why many folks who are suffering from them are hunting for info on how to deal with panic attacks.

The good news for you is that there is one website online that can assist you in learning how to deal with panic fits that really will work long-term. Once you read the info on this internet site about how to cure panic fits you never again will have to keep away from public occasions for fear that you may not be in a position to handle it. Once you read how it's possible to cure panic fits you may never again have to whisper an excuse and run to the loo for space and air while you try and work through your present panic fit and recompose yourself.

So, you are almost certainly wondering by this time how to heal panic attacks already and how it works. Well the basic science behind why this cure works is actually because the reality behind how it's possible to cure panic episodes lies in fear. Usually there is some form of fear present in your life which will induce your first few panic episodes but it is quickly replaced with fear of facing another panic attack. So your fear itself of another panic episode is the key factor behind how to cure panic episodes if you need to get a cure that lasts forever.

This web site will teach you how to cure panic fits by getting rid of the fear of an approaching panic episode from your mind and there are hundreds of people backing its promise that you can also find out how to cure panic fits. Many of these folk were skeptical at first but after trying it out were amazed to learn that there really is a way to cure panic episodes for the rest of your life. However, you won't ever know how to deal with panic attacks unless you head over to this website and start to use the info for yourself.

After you use the site about the way to cure panic fits you can be one of the various folk who are now living panic free and with no worries that they may ever suffer from a panic attack again. Imagine never again worrying about your palms sweating, your heart rate racing, and the fear that you are close to losing your calm all over again. It can be you if you head on over to the site and read the information about how to cure panic episodes. Stop living your life with anything in your way, and discover how to be free again by going to Panic Attack Treatments. - 29881

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Panic Attacks Symptoms: Spot the Signs

By Cathy Shermann

Anyone can suffer from panic attack. Its signs and symptoms, though, are easy to spot. Since you've come across this article, it's most likely that you or someone you care for has already experienced a panic attack without knowing it already was one. This article will seek to guide you on spotting the signs and symptoms of a panic attack so that the next time it happens, you will be able to be more aware of the occurring sensations happening to you and later on prevent it from occurring again.

What is a panic attack?

Know more about the condition in order to treat it effectively. A panic attack is an extreme form of anxiety that happens only once or twice, but might become habitual once it has developed into a disorder. Usually, it presents the sufferer with a disturbing and vast number of symptoms that recedes when the attack subsides.

Panic Attacks Symptoms

Symptom is often used in medicine to denote the effects of an illness. Since a panic attack is not an illness, but rather a behavioral condition, will it also follow that there are no symptoms of the said condition?

Although a panic attack is common, it still does not change the fact that the sensations brought upon by anxious nerve signals produced by the brain can be very scary and disturbing to the sufferer. Thus, these sensations can also be referred to as symptoms.

Here are just some of the symptoms of panic attacks:

- Dizzy spells that lead to panic - Tightness of throat and chest - Shortness of breath - Obsessive worrying and unwanted thoughts - Racing heartbeat with tingling sensations - Overwhelming fear that something dreadful will happen - Sweating - Nausea

If you have suffered one or two of these symptoms before, then seek help immediately.


Panic attacks can now be treated in various ways. Remember, you are not alone. It is not incurable, and in fact, you can get treated. You have the choice to free yourself from the anxiety that imprisons your mind and body.

How do I get treated?

Getting treatment is also easy. Nowadays, there are even e-books available that will guide you in a step-by-step process on techniques to eliminate having to experience panic attacks ever again. These are usually very effective, and you can even read other users' testimonials to assure you that the techniques discussed in the book works.

The good thing about these ebooks is that the authors of these books are usually professionals that spend their time understanding and researching the disorder, so you can certify its dependability.

In some cases, these ebooks will even offer full refund if the technique given did not help the patient. This shows that the author is confident and willing to put his reputation on the line, because he believes that it can indeed stop your panic attacks.

Get treated now. There's no need for you to endure unnecessary anxiety because of panic attacks. Spot panic attacks symptoms, take action and get treated, and say hello to a better you. - 29881

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Tips to Overcoming a Panic Attack

By Jack Augustus

Anxiety attacks are something that cannot be understood until you have had one. Some lucky few of us will live our whole lives without a single attack. However most of us will have at least one attack, other, less fortunate individuals will get these on a regular basis. For these people treatment is necessary, luckily anxiety relief does exist.

So you may be wondering what an anxiety attack is and how to know if you've had one? During an anxiety attack you could feel lack of breath, lots of perspiration, and sometimes a deep pounding of the heart. These are not the only symptoms however, some have reported dizziness, tingling sensations, and even stomach pain.

Not every symptom will be experienced in every attack however. It should be noted that anxiety attacks can vary greatly. The average attack will come suddenly with little to no warning, the peak of the attack occurs at about 10 minutes. Don't let the short time fool you however, those who have had them describe the attacks as feeling like hours. Anxiety attacks can be a very frightening experience.

It is important that if you experience frequent panic attacks to take notice as to what triggers those attacks. For example if you notice you get anxiety attacks while in crowded elevators be sure to think positive thoughts the next time you are beginning to get on one, or avoid situations that could trigger them. Trying to be proactive and thinking steps ahead will help control anxiety.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that an anxiety attack cannot hurt you. Your heart will not stop, you will not stop being able to breath, and you will definately not go crazy. It is important to remember this because during an attack you can often feel these things could happen, which can increase the intensity of the attack.

If an attack does occur it's important to know how to control the anxiety. Preventative measures can only take you so far, sometimes no matter what you do a panic attack will trigger and that's when it's important to know how to control it.

Learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing can also be very beneficial. Not everything will work for everyone so be sure to play around with different methods and find out what works for you.

Learning what triggers a panic attack and the various treatments available t you is key in overcoming anxiety. With a bit of time and knowledge you can take back your life and overcome anxiety attacks. - 29881

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Tips On Stress Management

By Elias Maseko

Stress is all over and with the fast life that individuals live today, tension is part of everyone's life. As a matter of fact, individuals are so accustomed it that they handle it as a natural everyday natural event but tension, when not managed properly, can lead to all forms of health troubles, primary of which is heart conditions.

Stress management is however, really easy to do when you make an effort, so if you bear in mind to prevent it from occurring, you can in reality live a tension-free life or at the very minimum, be able to cope with it simply because after all, coping with stress is stressful in itself. You don't really even have to go to elaborate lengths to release the tension - you can get rid of it by forbidding its taking place to begin with. Read on and you may just prevent those lines from turning up.

Stress is so usual today that it?s expected by everyone, so its better that you organize yourself for the huge problems and let go of the smaller, insignificant ones. You will only be able to do this if you keep your life organized because just searching for your lost pen in the work place can produce tension, not to mention, cause you to miss your concentration. Don't allow that to happen, so keep your affairs organized and it will make sure you are more ready to deal the bigger ones.

With adequate self-control, we can certainly think of imaginative constructs without stressing ourselves for lack of time and by starting quickly it will also ensure that you don't have to hurry when you are working on a project. You will be able to take some time and actually consider what you are trying to achieve and this will not only prevent you from getting stressed out, but, also permit you to develop great constructive work.

Stress levels will seldom impact you if you are ready for it, health-wise. You see, when your body is well and is full of energy, you are just about saved from the effects of stress such as the lowering of energy levels, nerves and frequently, even heart disease. This will only be accomplished by living healthily through eating on the right types of solid food and having the necessary sleep every day.

If you believe that you are already drawing close to your collapsing point, don't be stupid and take a rest because this will do you far better as it will help you reload and de-tension yourself. If you're too active, don't postpone it as it will make the tension grow within you until you get too stressed out to even work. it i for this reason employers give holiday leave so that people can take a while to relax and regain their previous vigor levels, and productive selves. - 29881

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Stop Panic Attacks

By Selena Bogdanovich

While a panic attack has both physical and emotional symptoms, it is, in itself, a symptom of an anxiety disorder. Do not underestimate the effect a panic attack can have on the recipient. Although not a one hundred percent answer, research has discovered that a large number of people who experience panic attacks carry the gene DUP25. It is hoped that this article will be able to show that there are options available if you are unfortunate enough to suffer panic attacks.

A panic attack is a symptom of an anxiety disorder that has emotional and physical symptoms. Probably one of the most distressing problems you can have is that of a panic attack. Scientists have discovered that a gene dubbed DUP25 is carried by many people who suffer from panic attacks. This article hopes to show that there are options available to panic attack sufferers.

Many sufferers feel that the chest pains are in indication that there are about to have a heart attack and this often triggers the panic attack. The prescription medication the doctor will supply is based on how often the attacks occur and there severity.

The fear that you no longer have a grasp on what's real is a psychological symptom which often accompanies the physical ones. If you experience these symptoms then you should seek out the help of your doctor. I suffered my last panic attack on the train, going to work and thinking about my panic attack later, I realized that I must have subconsciously been worried about a task that I had to perform at work that I hadn't done for a while.

These types of solution need to be investigated more because ultimately, you cannot rely on medication as a long term answer.

If your symptoms are severe, and you are unable to stop them on your own, there are medications which your doctor can prescribe to help you combat the panic attacks. There are also natural and homeopathic solutions available for panic attacks, anxiety and stress. Other techniques that can help you to stop a panic attack include forced muscle relaxation, yoga, music, as well as exercise.

Medication may have it place but in the long term it is controlling the attacks yourself which will be the solution that will be the most effective. - 29881

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How To Cure Panic Attacks - There Is No Such Thing As Cure

By Marie D. Tracy

The straightforward answer is YES!

A lot of people have this myth that they are stuck with panic attacks forever. This ideology comes from their doctors and psychologists who tells them that there are no such thing as panic fits cure.

These medical pro tells you to learn how to live with panic episodes. They teach you'coping technique','breathing exercises' and ask you to switch you way of life to suit your anxiety. They give you medicine to subdue your panic attacks. Nobody question their strategies because they're medical professional - its all'medically proven'.

Don't get me wrong, I am not condemning these medical professionals. A number of them do a superb job in helping folk, but the fact still is that there's still a lot folks out there who do not respond well to their treatment methods and are still suffering from panic attacks.

People need an alternative! They don't need to be stuck taking medicine forever or even have this beliefs that they're'incurable'.

Panic attacks isn't terminal. Its not even a mental illness. Somehow along the way, your'panic alarm' gets fouled up. It goes off for no reason although your not in any danger - this is panic attack!

So... Can you cure panic attacks? YES! You have to learn how to fixed this'panic alarm', its that simple! Does this sound incurable? Obviously NOT!

The key thing to take note is fear. What's make panic fit difficult to stop? Fear. The horror of having a cardiac arrest during panic fit. The fear of fainting in a panic attack. The fear that you may really die of a panic attack. The cure to panic fits is to stop this illogical fear.

Your heart is battering madly and your chest injures, you believe its a heart attack...but ITS NOT! This sort of heart activity is mostly reserved for vigorous activity ( for example:exercising ), when you do not notice it as much. Its suspect to feel like this when your in'panic mode'.

You're feeling dizzy and feeble, you think your going to faint soon...but YOUR NOT! This sensation is caused by hyperventilation - when your respiring too quickly and taking in too much oxygen. Having too much oxygen in your blood will disrupt its ordinary flow, your brain automatically restrict blood flow to balance out the low CO2 levels - ensuing in light-headedness.

As you can see, each symptom your experiencing is caused by the body. Your not stuck with some'mysterious illness'. Similarly, your body cannot kill itself and that is the reason why you having nothing to fear. Panic attack CANNOT kill you. - 29881

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Discover How To Cure Panic And Anxiety Attacks

By Marie D. Tracy

There are thousands of folks in this world who suffer from nervousness attacks, and if you be one of those folks, then you understand how devastating these attacks can be. Some people feel as if they are having a cardiac arrest or as if they can not breath when these attacks occur. Panic and anxiety anomalies essentially happen more frequently then a lot of people realize, and they can be extraordinarily horrifying for the victim. There's a bright side to all of this because you can find out how it's possible to cure nervous attacks naturally without having to resort to prescription medications.

If you would like to heal your panic episodes, then you've got to start by understanding your fears. You'll need to find out what's triggering your fears to accomplish this. The most typically reported triggers are stress and traumatic life experiences. If you want to dump your panic and panic attacks then you'll need to identify your fears. After you have identified your fear you will be able to focus on your problem.

It is also a great idea to keep your anger in hand because the root of a panic attack comes from its psychological nature. By maintaining correct self control, as well as calm thinking, you can learn the way to cut back your probabilities of having a panic attack.

If you are constantly feeling concerned or have the jitters, then you may need to take a close look at what you are drinking. Any sort of beverage that contains caffeine may increase you hysteria levels and the result will increase your chances of coming down with a panic episode. If you need your body to handle stress better, you should remove caffeine from your diet.

By adapting your diet you can help reduce your chances of having a panic fit. Believe it or not, specific foodstuffs will raise your chances of coming down with a panic fit. A few of these foods are : fast foods, caffeine, alcoholic drinks, sugar, and white flower. It is in your own interest to structure a diet that does not include any of these foods in it. Making these changes to your diet is a brilliant way to help stop panic and stress attacks from reoccurring.

It's urgent not to keep all your feelings stored up inside you. Every one of us have stress and fears in our everyday life, but keeping everything within will not help your problem. If you've got to vent, find a relation or best friend that you trust. You'll be surprised how better you are feeling afterwords.

Constant stress is never good for anyone and has been known to trigger panic fits. Therefore, you can learn plenty about managing panic attacks by keeping your stress levels in hand. Many people resort to drugs to govern their agitation, but these medicine are only effective while you are taking them. When you stop taking your prescriptions you are no better off than before you started. There's also the chance of side effects that are reported from taking medicines. In the longer term you are better off with a natural cure that may last a whole life. - 29881

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Ways To Stop An Anxiety Attack - Useful Techniques That Will Work

By Nathan Birnbaum

Picture yourself out in public, maybe at the movies, dinner or some other social event you've been looking forward to. You are having a great time when all of a sudden, panic sets in. Your heart begins to race ; you feel like you can't breathe, you're sweating and going to lose control. Sound familiar? You are experiencing a peculiar quantity of panic and need to be told how to stop a panic attack when it rears its hideous head.

Anxiety attacks could be controlled through medicine, but this usually involves building up a certain level of beta blockers in your body tissue. Tranquilizers can be helpful but are addictive and may exacerbate the attacks over a period of time. In the meantime, you can easily learn a few relaxation systems to bring your panic in hand or to actually forestall an incipient attack from occurring.

First, you must learn how to breathe correctly. This involves slowly inhaling through your for a count of about 4 seconds. Hold the breath for as much as 7 seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth, making a slight whooshing sound by clenching your teeth together. Attempt to prolong the exhalation for approximately 8 seconds if feasible ( with practice it is ) .

Now, attempt to visualize your panic as if it were an object you might concentrate on. Tell it to leave, that you are in control, and that you won't panic. Reassure yourself that there's zip wrong and therefore the panic object is a rude visitor who needs to be expelled.

After a moment of 'Visualizing' your panic, it is time to relax your body's muscles. Begin with the feet by clenching the muscles and releasing them. Work your way up your body tightening and relaxing muscle groupings till you've reached your head. If you're still feeling panicky, repeat the process, starting with the respiring techniques we described.

Surprisingly, in most cases, having an attack of anxiousness in public regularly goes fully unnoticed by those around you. Outwardly, you will appear calm and picked up, notwithstanding the turmoil you're feeling. Use this to your advantage to silently control your feelings of panic as you apply the relaxation methods discussed.

These attacks of fear or dread are zilch to sneeze at, and you should follow up with your health practitioner or primary caregiver as soon as possible to figure out the root cause of the problem. In the meantime, these basic strategies to focus yourself and relax have proved effective for many sufferers of uneasiness who are struggling to find out a way to stop nervous attacks in a crisis!

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights : This article could be freely reprinted or distributed in its totality in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The writer's name, bio and site links must remain intact and be included with each reproduction.

. - 29881

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Tips For Conquering Stress, Stop Anxiety And Panic Attacks

By Margaret York

We are all living in a hectic world now adays ; it feels like the time is ticking away faster and faster. Works and family responsibilities are overwhelming us at times. Thus, it's not surprising that stress and anxiety creep in our lives. No-one could eliminate stress fully ; what we could do however, is learn how to control and manage stress before it takes control of our lives.

Stress and hysteria are the major cause of panic fits. If not dealt with, it can have a fatal effect on our life. Especially for folk with A-type personalities, the perfectionism they seek in everything they do never quite measures up to their expectations. Please understand that no one is ideal ; humans are all imperfect living in an imperfect world. Don't stress it out and make yourself silly, just take it all in your stride.

There are numerous other ways to address stress ; just some easy exercises can help stop the attack of stress. As an example, just focus on respiring correctly can take away the anxiety from your intelligence and bring you back to a calm state. Anytime when you feel stress, put your left hand on your belly and begin to breathe efficiently and slowly ; you must feel that your belly expands when you breathe in air ; that's's the best way to breathe.

Going outside for some fresh air can also help. Walking or running for 20 minutes can release endorphins which assist in alleviating stress. Listening to classical music also helps as it lowers the blood pressure, and brings calm within.

Sometimes, however, stress reveals itself in other ways. Fear, feelings of pressure, inability to focus and tremors ; all these are symptoms of stress that can end up in uneasiness, panic attacks, and the fright or flight syndrome.

For example, you are alarmed when talking in front of a group of folk ; concerned when a plane's taking off ; scared during your wedding day, etc . There is really no absolute treatment for stress and fear. To triumph over it, you'll have to face your fear ; admit that you are fearful, try to understand it, and do the decent thing anyway. Develop religion that you will eventually conquer your fear and anxiety.

If stress is getting you down, examine the cause. Determine the origin, talk to a friend or discuss it with a professional or a friend. Stress, if not acted on, may cause serious health issues. Learn how to live and handle it at any price, if you can.

Remember that there's no such thing as 'stress-free' life as stress is always around us ; unless naturally if we are already dead. As long as we are still breathing, we are at the mercy of anxiety and stress. What we can do however, is to develop a'stress-proof' life. There are plenty of successful self-help methods you can learn to stop foreboding and panic attacks on its track. . - 29881

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Identifying The Symptoms Of Depression

By Amanda Gamdana

People who may be suffering from depression or manic disorders actually exhibit or show each and every kind of symptom of depression that doctors will tell you that depressed people have. Missing the symptoms of depression is especially easy for the person both suffering the condition and those closest to them as well. The symptoms of depression are all very noticeable if you know what to look for. However, it isn't necessary for them to suffer from each and every one before you actually help them get diagnosed and treated for this illness.

An early indication that a person may be suffering from depression is a continual sadness for what appears to be no apparent reason and a disinterest in life generally. Apart from being the earliest signs of depression, they are also the two most common and easy to spot even without professional help.

A lack of interest in anything that should be exiting is also a normal or common symptom of depression. One symptom follows another and a negative attitude about everything around them is just another symptom that is easy to spot.

A lack of incentive to carry out even basic tasks in life and a continual feeling of guilt about something as well as no self worth are all symptoms of depression. This self-guilt is usually unjustified but creates a further problem where the individual suffering depression believes they should be unhappy. The signs of depression are quite clear and visible to an outsider but the person suffering from depression and low self-worth probably cannot see their situation improving.

This failure to even enjoy your own hobbies and interests just shows how sever depression can become. Once this situation has occurred then it really does mean that something serious is happening.

Depressed individuals often complain that they have no energy to do anything although most of this can be attributed to their condition and may not be a real condition. Choosing to prefer just to mope around and not eating properly or get enough sleep, a depressed person may well be on their way not just to mental illness but poor physical health as well.

A depressed person will also find it difficult to concentrate as their mind is elsewhere. This can culminate in failing to remember things that happened or what other people have said and this lack of interest actually makes depressed people very inattentive.

Some of this may be as a result of too much or too little sleep. Often we notice things like how much a person is eating before anything else and if it is not nutritious, this can lead to other problems. Left unchecked, the depression sufferer will feel unwell for regular headaches and stomach pains as well as other bodily pains; there may also be a morbid preoccupation with death, including their own. - 29881

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Cure For Panic Attacks - Simple Effective Systems To Use For Panic Attacks

By Ruth Pattison

These are some very simple yet highly effective techniques to help you experience a treatment for panic fits so you can start to live the normal healthful life that you deserve absolutely free of fear.

The very first thing you must do is come to the realization that what has happened to you is a panic fit and not a cardiac arrest or upcoming death. That in and of itself can help a lot. At the beginning of a panic attack, make sure to remind yourself this is just a panic fit, you are not going to die, it'll eventually pass.

A simply implemented treatment for panic episodes is a straightforward respiring exercise. A particularly effective one is to put all your concentration on your breathe and count to yourself breathing in 1, breathing out 1, inhaling two, breathing out two, all the way up to ten and start over.

Another cure for panic fits you may use is to look at your wrist-watch or a clock with a second hand. Watch the minute hand and tell yourself, if you are not dead or going fully insane, once one minute passes you'll be all right. Then concentrate on watching the second hand move and try not to think about anything else but the second hand. When one minute is up, do the same thing again.

Go for two mins to distract you from the indications of the panic episode. Symptoms like your hands going numb, the sensation that you can't breathe, the idea that you are having a cardiac arrest, the fear. Targeting the second hand is a distraction from those thoughts.

While doing this you'll still feel all those feelings, but you need to concentrate with all of your might on that second hand. Repeat the method till the panic episode passes, and it'll pass. Keep reminding yourself that it is merely a panic fit, not upcoming death, does help a lot also.

Say stuff like I've been here before and I know what is occurring. It's just my mind playing tricks on me, I will be all right. Just keep doing whatever you can to distract yourself till the attack subsides.

By just sitting there and experiencing the symptoms will only make the panic fit worse. You should get out of that place and take your concentration off of your symptoms and put it on a remedy treatment for panic fits.

Notice that a panic episode is a wave, and it will pass on its own as long as you do not re-enforce it by targeting your fear and your symptoms. Put your focus anywhere else, and ride it out. It will pass. Keep reminding yourself that it's simply a panic fit that you are not in any real danger. It is just your mind messing with you. You will be O.K.

. - 29881

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Panic Attacks Treatment: Steps to Treating It

By Cathy Shermann

Anyone suffering with panic attack will not lack for its treatment. Today, there are several ways of getting the best possible treatment. You can resort to books, programs, techniques and medication to cure panic attacks. In fact, there are even some simple steps that you can follow and use at home. This article will give you some easy to follow steps on coping with a panic episode. And, if you want to permanently get rid of panic attacks, a new technique will be discussed in the later part of the article.

Here's a word of advice. Before implementing this panic attacks treatment by yourself, make sure that you are really aware of the symptoms of a panic attack. Sufferers often associate the feelings of a panic attack with feelings of getting a heart attack or nervous breakdown so make sure you do not confuse it with a each other. If you are having a heart attack instead of a panic attack, then performing these steps might be of no use.

- Think Positive Thoughts

Your thoughts can affect your condition. Since a panic attack is all in the head, and having unwanted thoughts are a product of it, why don't you try thinking up positive thoughts? Tell yourself, "I can do this! I will get over this panic episode!"

- It Is Harmless

Remind yourself that a panic attack is not medically dangerous and is physically harmless. The scary sensations are just temporary and it will pass. You are not going to die.

- Breathe

Practice breathing exercises. One of the symptoms of panic attacks is a shortness of breath. For this, you should learn breathing exercises and practice them beforehand, so it will come naturally to you the next time a panic episode occurs.

- Relax

Practice relaxation techniques that you can use when a panic episode occurs. A simple relaxation technique would be: close your eyes and relax all your muscles starting with your shoulders. Be conscious of tense muscles in the body, and start relaxing the muscle areas one by one moving upward. Accompany it with some breathing exercises. Example, tense your left leg while inhaling, and then release the leg muscles while exhaling. Proceed with your right leg, and continue upwards.

- Permanently Get Rid of Panic Attacks

You can permanently get rid of panic attacks! If you don't want to experience those scary sensations again, then you can choose to get rid of panic attacks completely. There is a particular technique found in an e-book that boasts of effectively stopping panic attacks from recurring. It follows a simple logic: if you no longer fear the onset of another panic attack, then you will able to get rid of panic attacks completely. Although it is simple, it is grounded on facts, and is indeed effective. In fact, other satisfied users sent in testimonials to say just that. - 29881

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How To Deal With Panic Attacks

By Lou Cameron

If you have suffered from panic attacks, you know how positively debilitating they can be. They are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually draining. They can influence your work, relationship with your friends, friendships and your capability to completely enjoy your life. They have been described by some as waking nightmares . How can you cure panic attacks?

For those that are fortunate enough not to suffer these episodes, panic episodes are the unexpected onset of misguided fret that start with no reason. They can be short, often only lasting mins or they can go on for up to a 30 minutes. The physical effects can be quite sundry : from things like a fast heart beat, sweating, shaking, hot flashes to trouble swallowing regularly, the lasting effects can be quite acute.

Then there are the deeper and maybe more suggestive psychological and emotional effects. These attacks can become so grim that one may be scared to do the simplest of routines,eg picking up the telephone to return a call, or going out with mates or perhaps buying groceries. It can become sufficiently bad that some will only do these things when accompanied by a chum or relation. It can become so bad that suicide could be contemplated. The easy way to cure panic episodes then must become a major focus in their lives.

It should go without saying that if you have recurring panic attacks, a medical pro should be consulted as well as your non secular confidant. Often times, there may be an extraordinarily rooted trigger that sets these attacks off. If you can find that trigger ( introspection is known as for here ), you could be able to stop these attacks yourself, though if they endure, medical assistance is strongly recommended before it becomes beyond control. In all cases, you should do something and see about how to cure panic fits, rather than hoping they can'just go away,' as over time they will affect the standard of your life.

So, how to heal panic attacks? There are many techniques, but if you just start with one and do it consistently, this can help. First, realize that you'll get through this. Take a chair and sit in it, gently gripping the armrests. Next, concentrate on a spot at eye level. It doesn't matter what you focus on, as long as you you keep looking at that spot and not anywhere else. Next, focus on taking slow deep breaths, pausing between each breath, as this will calm your body but also help calm and center your mind.

If you can't get sufficient oxygen, you'll remain agitated so don't skip over this step. Once you have done that, start saying what you see. You may repeat an individual mantra. When I'm perturbed and unfocused, I start running thru everything that I'm thankful for, from my life to my relationships, to my home and everything in between. This will help ground you. Do this until the panic fit subsides.

. - 29881

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Find Out If You Have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

By Nancy Whitman

Winter months can hit some harder emotionally than others. People particularly vulnerable to seasonal moods during the fall and winter get slammed with low and depressive moods that are difficult for them to shake. If you feel some of these symptoms only during the fall and winter seasons then you may have SAD.


While SAD is a form of depression, there are a few symptoms which is particular to this particular ailment. Common elements of SAD include loss of energy, lethargy, chronic oversleep and increased appetite with a corresponding weight gain only during the affected seasons.

Other symptoms are more psychological. Intense anxiety, withdrawal from friends and family, difficulty focusing and concentrating on tasks are common to seasonal affective disorder sufferers. Women may experience increased PMS symptoms. In fact women are most susceptable to SAD as 70% to 80% of SAD victims are women.

Some typical SAD symptoms include:

* mood problems only occur during the fall and winter; disappears in spring and summer

* chronic sadness

* excessive sleep

* loss of energy

* deep regret

* loss of motivation

* lack of interest in friends and family

* excessive weight gain

* lack of motivation

SAD, being a mood disorder can have complicated causes and there may be more than one treatment for seasonal depression.

Location can be a contributor to SAD. Studies have shown people who live in extremely cold northern or southern regions of the planet are more likely to contract SAD than others. Most likely, the long winters with short hours of daylight are the cause. SAD light therapy is often used to combat that problem and alleviate SAD symptoms for many, allowing them to live normal lives again.


Do you have SAD? If you are curious of you suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), ask yourself a few questions:

1. Are your feelings about the weather actively inhibiting your life?

2. Are you so unhappy that you're unable to perform basic tasks?

3. Are you sleeping significantly more hours per night, and do you still have trouble waking in the morning?

4. Has your spouse or your boss complained about your change in behavior?

4. Has your spouse or your boss complained about your change in behavior?

5. Do you feel seriously depressed only in fall and winter (as opposed to simply grumpy or out of sorts)?

If you answer yes to most of these questions, it is possible you are experiencing seasonal affective disorder. The good news is that SAD is curable. There are numerous treatments used to remove SAD symptoms and bring normalcy back to your life.


Three common therapies for treating SAD are psychotherapy, drugs and therapy using bright SAD lamps. Light therapy has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for SAD with no side effects. It is affordable and easy to administer. Often just sitting beside one of these specialized light boxes is enough to get rid of SAD disorders. Numerous web sites are available online discussing light therapy usage, light treatment tips and SAD light shopping ideas. - 29881

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Learn To Stop Panic Attacks Even If You Don't Know Why They Are Happening

By Peter Cheales

A panic attack can be a scary thing, especially if you do not know what is causing it. If you recognized the cause you could avoid it, but if the cause is unknown then it could be anything and that signifies that an anxiety attack could happen at any time. So here is how to stop panic attacks if the cause is unknown.

First, take heart in the fact that this is not an isolated problem. Many people suffer from panic attacks, so there's no need to be embarrassed or self-conscious about it. That will only make it worse. If you've already had a panic attack, just worrying about it, can actually trigger one, so let's focus on stopping them before they occur again.

First, take a deep breath and think about what may be causing you stress currently in your life. These are all things that could be causing panic attacks for you, and dealing with these issues can help make them go away. If you're having difficulty working through these problems by yourself, please do seek professional help and don't ignore them. Trained therapists specialize in panic attacks can help you work through them and stop them from happening again.

Exercise, too, can help stave off panic attacks. Exercise helps to release energy and emotion in your body, so that it's released positively instead of out through a panic attack. Letting it out in this positive way will certainly make you feel tired, but you'll feel rejuvenated and better than ever after you've had some nutrition and rest.

If you keep it up and get into shape you will really start feeling good. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good in the short run. It also helps you get in shape which will make you feel better and feel better about yourself. This added self confidence is a great way to stop anxiety panic attacks from ever happening again.

In addition to strenuous exercise, it is good to find some quiet time in your day. Relax for a bit and just listen to your body. You do not have to meditate, but just let yourself have a moment to stop the one thousand and one things that are rattling around in your head and just forget about them for a few minutes. This sounds really simple, but when was the last time you actually took time out of your frantic day to do it?

The most important thing to know about how to stop panic attacks is that you need to stop worrying about having another attack. There is no need to worry about things that are beyond your control, especially when worrying will only make them worse. - 29881

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Stress Handling Is Doable

By Rene A Lacape

You should know that the feeling of being stressed out is nothing unusual for a college student. To begin with, it might be your first time away from home. You miss your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends. You miss the comfort of the family dwelling, the commemoration of birthdays and other special events. You might even miss the extra-curricular activities you enjoyed at your high school.

There is the stress of trying to do well in academically challenging college classes. You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of reading you have to do. You might not have developed strong study skills in high school, leading to greater stress at college. You may even find it difficult finding a place to study-especially if you're not used to spending long periods of time in the library.

Students shall be faced with the unfamiliar experience of having to share their rooms with a stranger. Do not expect roommates to have the same values, interest or sleeping patterns as you do as they may come from a different background and lead a different lifestyle. You would have to get used to being outnumbered in a large dorm where there are hundred of students living together. The ability to adapt to sharing is essential as other college facilities would have to be shared with a large number of students.

You could confront with the demands of your first proper relationship. Students may be faced with the doubts of whether they are committing themselves in a relationship too soon for their own good. Moreover, organizing time to be together could be very demanding as time is scarce, with a full class timetable.

You could be bogged down with the pressure of working part time to contribute to the exorbitant college fees. The long working shifts associated with such work often takes a toll on your sleeping hours. The difficulty of getting along with troublesome colleagues and demanding superiors contribute to even greater hassle.

There is no way to eliminate all the stress involved in attending college. This time of your life will be inherently stressful, no matter how you try to streamline your schedule. However, there are some effective techniques you can use to reduce your stress level so that the pressures do not seem so overwhelming.

To begin with, you need to develop effective time management techniques. This means creating a schedule and sticking with it. Be sure to build some relaxation time into your schedule. That way, you can ensure that you are getting an appropriate amount of rest and exercise.

One thing that can add to your stress level is weight gain. College is famous for the "Freshman 15," or adding 15 pounds to one's frame during the first year of classes. In order to combat this, try to eliminate unhealthy snacks such as potato chips and cookies. Try to limit your diet to lean meats and fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try whenever possible to avoid eating at parties. And don't overindulge in alcohol, which can add an appreciable amount of weight. In this way, you can try to protect yourself against excessive weight gain.

College is no doubt a major part of every student's life. The knowledge attained would develop us into thinking adults. College is where friendships that last a lifetime are made. Marriages made in Heaven have their beginnings in college. Students may acquire a new interest, hobby or a preference in college. Yet, college life is a frustrating chapter of one's journey in life. Demand of lecturers have to be met, friends pleased, roommates tolerated and orders of employers fulfilled. Responsibilities would have to be born for the first time by settling all utility bills. Each day presents a different challenge. Despite all this, it takes only some determination, skill and hard work to graduate from college. Our experience in college would provide us with the necessary preparations of life to come after graduation and lead us to success. - 29881

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ADD/ADHD Professions For You

By Rene A Lacape

ADD/ADHD sufferer doesn't mean that your professional life remains at standstill. You have other career options to select. Choose suitable job in case you have not found any yet.

Management: Although management is not considered suitable career option for people suffering from ADD/ADHD their excellent performances always keep them in the limelight. The matter of the fact is that such jobs are not ADD-friendly. Still some ADDers perform them efficiently by uniting their colleagues and get all admiration. Managerial position requires keen attention, organizational skill and focused approach. It is a bit tough for those suffering from ADD/ADHD. But you can achieve them through strong will power.

Nursing: Choosing nursing career is challenging as well as satisfactory experience for you in which you may have to face extremely dull and unavoidable circumstances. But this career also makes you a staunch disciplinarian.

Medical: Just like nursing, this field is ripe with opportunities for ADDers. If you have the ability to hyper-focus, then medical school will be a breeze for you, and your job will be very exciting. You would do well, however, to pick a specialty that offers you variety, autonomy, and excitement - think surgeon or gynecologist!

Attorney: The biggest problem with this field is that you would have to learn to be detail-oriented - this isn't impossible, just difficult. Many attorneys have a paralegal who works with them, and often this person can be put in charge of much of the detail portion. At any rate, a trial attorney, for example, offers excitement, autonomy, and variety.

Insurance: I can almost hear you yawning as you read this. If the notion of working in this field intrigues you, think about a job as a sales representative for insurance or a claims adjuster. These jobs require much less monotonous work, enable you to be sociable, and offer variety as well as autonomy.

Computer: We can avoid boredom of working on computers. How do you feel working continuously sitting at the same place? Do you really like computers? My emphasis is you focus on new aspects of computer education. Be innovative; apply inventing and attractive programmes or adjust computer parts. Such practice keeps you engaged and you involve in knowledge pool. Be creative rather than merely doing data work.

Recreation: Make career in health to serve others. You should be well built and physically talented to go for this option. You must have the intention to serve others after considering a job of coach, dance instructor or fitness trainer. It is hardly affected of any recession and best career choice too.

Consultant: Think of a consulting job like you might that of an entrepreneur. Most consultants enjoy being presented with a problem and coming up with solutions. You are energized by trying to "sell" someone your ideas. Often someone else will be in charge of implementing your plan and seeing to the details. This sort of career will offer you autonomy, variety, and stimulation.

Creative: Many ADDers are extremely creative. They enjoy using their imaginations to create art, to dance, to write, etc. Often what is hard, though, is the need for some self-discipline. Many artists are very autonomous, but can get scattered quite easily. However, if you are truly enjoying what you are creating, you can also find yourself hyper-focused. Jobs that cater to the creative side of individuals may include teaching art, working in an advertising office or some other creative venture, or as a writer for a public relations firm.

Numerous options for the attention deficit disorder or ADHD-friendly jobs are here. Don't make this list final and look for hundreds of other options. Most important aspect while you choose a job is self preparation. Introspect and know your strengths as well as weaknesses particularly when you suffer from ADD/ADHD. Make sure that you have made up your mind to attend an interview after considering such aspects carefully. The possibility is that you choose a job which doesn't suit your specific ADD criteria, but you can still prefer them which satisfies your urge.

If you still cannot figure out the direction you should take, you might consider finding a career specialist or a vocational psychologist. These are professionals who are trained to help you narrow your search, and match your interests and abilities with the right career. Just don't forget to mention your ADD or ADHD, and be sure to explain in as much detail as possible how it might affect your working life! - 29881

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How ToCure Panic Fits

By Marie D. Tracy

If you've suffered from panic episodes, you know how positively devitalizing they can be. They are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually draining. They can have an effect on your work, relationship with your friends, friendships and your capability to absolutely enjoy your life. They've been described by some as waking nightmares . How can you cure panic attacks?

For those that are fortunate enough not to suffer these episodes, panic episodes are the sudden onset of irrational fret that start with no reason. They can be short, occasionally only lasting minutes or they can last for up to an a half hour. The physical effects can be quite varied : from stuff like a quick heart beat, sweating, quivering, hot flashes to bother swallowing frequently, the lasting effects can be quite acute.

Then there are the deeper and maybe more meaningful mental and emotional effects. These attacks can become so harsh that one may be scared to do the most simple of routines, such as picking up the phone to return a call, or going out with mates or shopping for groceries. It can become sufficiently bad that some will only do these things when accompanied by a friend or relation. It can become so bad that suicide may be considered. How to cure panic attacks then must become a major focus in their lives.

It should go without saying that if you have recurring panic fits, a medical professional should be consulted as well as your spiritual confidant. Often times, there may be a deeply rooted trigger that sets these attacks off. If you can find that trigger ( introspection is named for here ), you may be able to stop these attacks yourself, though if they endure, medical assistance is strongly recommended before it is getting out of control. In all cases, you need to take action and see about how to cure panic fits, instead of hoping they will'just go away,' as over time they'll affect the quality of your life.

So, how it's possible to cure panic attacks? There are numerous strategies, but if you just commence with one and do it solidly, this can help. First, realize that you are going to get through this. Take a chair and sit in it, gently gripping the armrests. Next, focus on a spot at eye level. It doesn't matter what you target, as long as you you keep looking at that spot and not anyplace else. Next, focus on taking slow deep breaths, pausing in between each breath, as this will calm your body but also help calm and center your mind.

If you can't get too much oxygen, you can remain perturbed so don't skip over this step. Once you've done that, start saying what you see. You may also repeat a private mantra. When I'm agitated and unfocused, I start running through everything that I'm grateful for, from my life to my relationships, to my home and everything between. This could help ground you. Do this till the panic attack subsides.

. - 29881

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Components Of Effective Bipolar Disorder Treatment

By Sheila Wilson

Bipolar disorder is a psychological illness that causes abnormal mood swings. Bipolar disorder causes episodes of depression and mania. Episodes of mania can cause irritability, euphoria, and impulsive behavior.

There is no cure for bipolar disorder. The fact that there is no cure can be devastating for people who suffer from bipolar disorder, however they should realize that there is effective bipolar disorder treatment. There are often several component of effective bipolar disorder treatment including medication, therapy, and lifestyle management.

Medication is perhaps the most important part of bipolar disorder treatment though many people including bipolar disorder patients do not take full advantage of the medication that is available. A psychiatrist often prescribes a mood stabilizing medication, however bipolar disorder patients are notoriously inconsistent with taking their medication.

Mood stabilizing medication is not the only medication that may be used to treat bipolar disorder and its symptoms. A patient with bipolar disorder who suffers the most ill effects from depression may also be prescribed an antidepressant. Sleeping medication for insomnia and anti-anxiety medication for anxiety symptoms are also commonly prescribed to bipolar disorder patients.

Individual and family therapy can be beneficial for bipolar disorder patients. While individual therapy may help the bipolar disorder patient learn to manage stress and cope with the symptoms, therapeutic sessions with family are beneficial in repairing any strain on the relationships that the bipolar disorder has caused.

People with bipolar disorder must pay special attention to routine care of themselves in order to help prevent bipolar disorder symptoms. Getting regular exercise, being on a healthy sleep cycle, taking medication, and routinely engaging in stress management activities are considered part of lifestyle management for bipolar disorder treatment. Healthy routines like this can help prevent bipolar disorder symptoms.

The general public have a lot of misconceptions about bipolar disorder. Therefore, the patient should educate themselves about bipolar disorder, its symptoms, and effective treatments. People with bipolar disorder may also have to educate their families and friends about the true nature of the disorder as opposed to the extreme cases of unmanaged bipolar disorder that they may have heard in the media.

Emotional support from friends and family is an important part of bipolar disorder treatment. If a person with bipolar disorder does not have supportive friends or family, they should look for support groups for bipolar disorder or depression and other reliable sources of support. - 29881

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Unusal Powers of Mind over Matter

By Christian Goodman

I had the honor, a couple of months ago, to set in on a lecture by his holyness, the Dalai Lama. His amazing joyfulness made my mind wonder about the origin of his path.

You cannot help but be impressed with the life of Buddha, regardless of your particular religion (or lack, thereof). When seeing his people were sickness and dying, he couldn't help to take notice and felt it was his duty to try to help.

According to various historical documents, he decided that the only way to do this was to achieve enlightenment and pass on his enlightenment to others. He also determined that in order to do this, he would first have to give up all his worldly possessions and live without.

Perhaps it wasn't that difficult to defy his parents, leave his palace and live in a state of fasting and doing without. I cant say " Ive never walked in his shoes; however, I cant say this would be my first choice.

Most people don't want to give up the good life. They think that money is a way to better our lives. That is why the lottery is so successful.

Health care at its best was probably nothing more than guesswork, around 500 BC.

So this man chose to deny himself the comforts of palace living. All research points to the fact that he wasn't concerned about his own health rather that he wanted to ease the suffering of those around him.

Now, anyone who has rubbed the belly on a statue of Buddha knows that he did eventually reach enlightenment and through that enlightenment knows he did eventually pick up a fork (although given his home was in modern day Nepal, he likely picked up chopsticks) and eat something.

Although we of course can't really say for sure if the Buddha belly was a factual picture or just represents a spiritual abundance, modern day nutritionists would likely look at his statue and recognize that he was just a tad on the overweight side and would not recommend this as a healthy weight. But they cant deny the smile on his face.

Even when surrounded by the common man, there is no evidence that supports his being a sickly sort. You might say that Buddha not being sickly was a reward of enlightenment. I tend to think it was the power of positive thinking.

Buddha lived without anger or hate. He didn't seem to hold grudges. How many of us can say the same? It doesn't have to be a big life tragedy to bring a person down. Sometimes dwelling on the small stuff, we get consumed with negativity.

Many studies have shown a positive outlook can greatly improve or maintain ones health. Similarly, negativity, depression and the like can just as easily destroy ones health.

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Straightforward Ways To Stop Panic Attacks

By Albert Chinualumogu

Stress is a normal part of life. We all can notice the effects of it often. However, if you usually feel just like this, it could be a sign that there's an underlying issue. You might begin to be afflicted by panic attacks if this takes place regularly.

Panic and tension is a standard side-effect when your body's defense system is replying to stressful and possible threatening situations. Occasionally you could suffer from a panic fit even if there's no threat.

In order to stop panic attacks you can do the following things:

- Slow deep breathing - Avoid caffeine - Regular exercise - target being in a more positive state

There are some techniques that the severity of a panic attack can be reduced. The primary way is to respire slowly and try and relax - calm your intelligence and body and change your focus to more empowering pictures. When you are not experiencing a panic attack, practice taking long, slow deep breathing to prepare yourself after you do feel you must stop a panic attack.

Caffeine or other stimulants should also be kept away from. This is one of the most simple ways to stop the beginning of a panic attack. Panic fits make the body increasingly alert and aware, and the presence of caffeine in the body will not help you. The chance of stopping a panic fit will increase if you make sure that you don't take any caffeine or similar stimulants.

You also should exercise regularly if you be afflicted by uneasiness and panic episodes. This helps to manage and lower your levels of adrenaline. This helps stop panic attacks because the level of adrenaline increases with anxiety. If you exercise constantly, your thoughts and actions can be kept under better control due to lowered levels of adrenaline.

It is sensible to focus on the positive things in your life when you start to feel anxious. In order to minimize the start of anxiety, you can target the joyous occasions in your life and think about your friends. The more that you practice concentrating on positive things, the easier it'll be to do this when you get concerned and you can stop a panic attack.

As you can see these are some natural treatments for nervousness that are simple but terribly effective. Be certain to incorporate these into your daily routine and you will see a massive difference over time.

Even though stress attacks are difficult to handle, you can stop a panic attack from occurring if you remain positive and centered and look after yourself mentally and physically. Handling anxiousness isn't simple and there is no classic way in stopping panic fits from occuring. Try some of the methods mentioned in this article to help in the midst of learning the way to stop panic fits. - 29881

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Useful Tips To Stop Anxiety Attacks

By Frederick R. Smith

As most therapists will tell you, one of the keys to making a panic episode controllable is to learn to work your way thru the attack itself. The paralyzing fret that accompanies an acute anxiety or panic fit can be so powerful and intense, attempting to describe these emotions to someone that hasn't experienced them is almost impossible. These are some useful tips to stop panic attacks.

The very first thing you must do is realize you are having an anxiety episode. Although this sounds elemental and nearly unnecessary, the amount of sufferers who think what they are experiencing is something aside from nervousness is sort of large. They may show up at the doctor's office or even the ER making claims to be having a cardiac arrest, stroke, overdose on some stimulant or even anaphylactic shock. Once a sufferer realizes they are indeed having a panic episode, they can accept it and begin to work through it and realize that it will pass.

You should do something physical in order to take your intelligence off the assault, at least for the present. Anything that requires exertion like cleaning, exercise, walking or cooking is extremely profitable and offers a point of concentration other than the attack itself. Physical activity, especially activity that requires effort, releases endorphins. These are mood changing hormones that can calm and relax a sufferer with a sense of euphoria. Physical activity will also cancel any feelings of helplessness that may go with the attack and enfranchise the person by doing something that is productive.

If you have been suffering from anxiety attacks for any period, you have potentially developed a support group. It may be an informal group such as folks, brothers, friends or fellow sufferers ; anyone who understands what you are going through. Reach out to these people for the help and understanding you need at the time. You aren't trying to find pity or perhaps sympathy, just someone you can talk to about and during the attack. If you are someone who is ashamed of their anxiety and has hidden the truth about your suffering from friends and family, it's time to talk to them about the whole experience. Keeping this a secret only makes things worse so seek out someone to confide in, even if it is thru the internet, in a chatroom or forum particularly about nervousness and panic.

Taking medication should be a last resort measure. Since drugs just mask symptoms they often return when the medicine wears off and can actually be more intense. Almost all of the anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax and Klonopin have some pretty heavy complications that you probably wish to avoid by not taking the medicine.

By realizing when you are having an anxiety attack and accepting it for what it is you can then start to calm yourself with exercise. As you start to unwind then is the time to contact a support person to talk about what you are feeling and what is going through your mind. These steps can then become useful tips to stop anxiety attacks.

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