Secret To Happiness

By Cydne Buckley

Do any of us know what makes us happy? Money, spouse,girlfriend/boyfriend? Or is it your best friend? Are any of theses choices right. Let us take a look.

Let us start with money. Between having money and being broke having money is in first place. And having a large amount of money takes the stress out of that part of your life. Being able to make mortgage payments, car payments and the normal household expenses like food, electric, heat and phone are very satisfying.

Living in a nice home and driving a nice car is very rewarding. Your home is where you come to relax and unwind in pleasant surroundings. Your car is very important too. Having one that runs well all the time is a pleasant feeling. There is nothing worse than the feeling of being on a highway late at night with a car that has broken down.

Is the secret your spouse? Are you all giddy every time you are around them? I would like to thin so, but I doubt it. The divorce rate is so high many couples do not stay together very long. Besides most women work today and they get a chance to see the world from another angle. Could it be boyfriend/girlfriend? They change faster than your underwear. Best friends move very often and we forget each other.

The answer is none of the above. The one person that makes you happy is you! Although you may get some good feelings from a car, home, spouse,etc. they are always temporary. Being happy is a decision we make everyday. When you get up in the morning look in the mirror and say "I will be happy all day today. I know problems will come up and I will handle them. My happiness has nothing to do with challenges. My being happy is constant and nothing is going to interfere with me being happy."

You have to take complete responsibility for whatever comes your way in life. I know of no other way that takes the blame game out of your life. The blame game does not solve any of your problems. From this moment on take responsibility for your own happiness.

Committed to your success, - 29881

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Parents' Key to Preventing Children Anxiety Attacks

By Garyl Hany

One of the most painful things that parents feel is when they see their child suffering from anxiety attacks for a couple of minutes or even a few hours. This hurts more since parents would want to protect their children from the pressures of life like stress and worry. Sadly though, children are also prone to panic attacks. But unlike panic disorders in adults, panic attacks in children are different.

There must be different reasons why children suffers from panic attacks and it is imperative that parents know these reasons as this is the only way that their children's anxiety attack can be treated. You can do this by assessing your child's behavior and determining events that might have caused your child's change in behavior.

Parents may want their children safe from stress and worries. Sadly, there are situations or events that can still pressure and stress a child without the knowledge of the parent. And because of pressures and tensions, a child can experience anxiety attacks.

Unfortunately though, there are also parents who are the reason for the pressure and the tension that children feel. Some parents want to brag about their kids. And this actually put more pressure to the child to please their parents by becoming the best of everything just so their parents have something to brag about. Due to competition from other parents, they would actually demand so much from children without realizing that they are actually robbing the childhood years of their children.

Instead of enjoying their time as a child, free from worries, children spend more time practicing, studying, etc. Though practicing and studying are good but what is not good is that children spend too much time practicing and studying that they actually don't have time to play anymore. And most of all, because children want to please their parents, too much practicing and studying can actually instill to the child that he or she is unwanted unless he or she is the number one in class, the best athlete, or whatever best title the child can ever have.

And because children are still very innocent, they will usually keep their feelings from their parents, in turn the children fails to cope with the pressures and tensions that they receive from their parents. And by keeping these lonely feelings, children built up more tension and thereby developing anxiety attacks.

These built up tension and stress lead to children having episodes of intense fear for no specific reason but are triggered by physical reactions that are very severe. Though anxiety attacks in children are also caused by trauma in their life or painful events in the past, leading to the development of phobia to certain things associated with the trauma.

Though not all anxiety attacks are due to trauma or stress, panic disorder can also be due to genetic. Usually children with relatives that has suffered from panic attacks are actually more prone to having anxiety attacks themselves. Or this can also be due to their biological make-up wherein chemicals in their bodies may have negative reactions to their nervous system, thereby signaling the brain to react with anxiety attacks. Or this can also be due to diseases.

So if you want, as a parent, to prevent your children from having anxiety attacks. It would be best if you spend more time with your children instead of pushing your children to do something they don't want to do. And most importantly, give the understanding, care and support that your child needs. - 29881

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Causes of Panic Attack While Driving - Do You Experience It?

By Garyl Hany

Are you curious why you are always on the verge of a panic attack every time you are driving? Maybe, you are already sweating and your heart is already beating rapidly from the moment you have touched the steering wheel. This impedes your lifestyle. Though it is normal to feel fear while driving, too much fear is still not healthy for you. It can lead to a lot of psychological disorder and even panic attack.

Before you start your engine, there is already a fear that lurks inside you. The idea that you are going to drive alone can scare the hell out of you. Who knows? Panic attack might be triggered while you are driving. You might be going to crash. However, this is all in the state of mind but it might come true if the fear of panic attack is not addressed immediately. It is true that panic attack is an abrupt condition and it can be a traumatic experience. So, treat it as soon as possible.

Watching too many accidents in the movies may develop fear of the road. Obviously, you will see yourself as someone who will die due to road accidents. You will become engrossed with the idea and sooner or later, you will develop phobia.

Another fear that can enwrap you and triggers a panic attack is a fear of collision. Collision can happen any time during the road trip, from the moment you start your engine until you turn it off. During the course of the trip, you might collide with a truck or you might hit a pedestrian. These ideas are implanted either through bad experience or through media and press. From these ideas, fear will be created.

You may also have a fear of traffic: the crazy long lines of cars, the noises of the engines, the screaming of the people and too much commotion. It is really a stressing experience and just by thinking about it you might get stressed out.

In the traffic, you might get stuck and your engine might run out. People might start screaming at you and blaming you. The road is really scary, isn't it? You might even get hyperventilated in the long run and no one might able to save you. - 29881

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Causes of Panic Attacks - Are there Any Physical Factors?

By Garyl Hany

You just saw someone having a panic attack and now you ponder in your room thinking what cause such a scary experience. If you ask your parents, they might tell you that fear or phobia triggers panic attack and to prevent it, you need to conquer your fear or phobia. However, everyone has his or her fear and even you have one. Is this means you can't avoid panic attacks? Panic attacks also have physical factors and by identifying them, you might realize that you might reduce your chances of having a panic attack.

The human body experiences different changes during its lifespan. During the change, the body produces different reaction and on some cases it will have a panic attack. Panic attack occurs because it is a reaction of the body as a response to fear, either real or imaginary. Imaginary fear can be referred to illogical fear because the factors that trigger the fear cannot be determined; it is all in the state of mind.

The panic attack is also related to insufficient amount of nutrients. Without the right amount of vitamins and nutrients, the body will not perform its day to day tasks properly. If the body is forced to do the task in this situation, it will trigger panic attack to protect itself from other possible health complications.

If we don't consume enough vitamins and minerals, our body will be at risk to numerous health complications. If we get too sick due to insufficient amount of nutrients, we may suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. From this point on, we may trigger a panic attack every time we don't consume sufficient nutrients.

Some medications can also cause panic attacks. The body has different reactions to different medications. Without proper prescription, the body may not recognize the medication and may view it as a threat. As a protective measure, the body will have panic attack. There is another factor that causes panic attack and is related to medication. Obviously, panic attack may occur during withdrawal state.

Sudden withdrawal from medications may shock the entire body. For instance, a person is too dependent to medication to feel numb from the pain. If the person suddenly stops his medication, his body will be in the state of confusion, which trigger hyperventilation and panic attack. Alcohol and drugs are also initiators of panic attacks. If possible, stop ingesting things that might trigger panic attack. If you feel you are susceptible to panic attack, seek medical advice as soon as possible. - 29881

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No More Anxiety Attack? Dealing with Panic Attack Naturally

By Garyl Hany

Have you tried experiencing things that you don't want to feel again? For example, feeling your heart beat so fast, or feeling such intense fear that you can't seem to get rid of? Have you ever felt so nervous that hundreds and even thousands of butterflies are in your stomach? Your nervousness prevented you from doing something that you have to do.

If you have felt this, then you had anxiety attack. And those are just physical symptoms of panic attack. There are also mental symptoms of panic disorder like the feeling that your world will come to an end and you don't seem to have the power to stop it. And then you can't seem to stop yourself from thinking negative thoughts like all the problems in the world are on your shoulder. And most of all, it feels like you are going to die.

So how can people stop the feeling like dying again? How can people stop getting so afraid? Well there's good news for you. In this article, we will present to you some natural treatments of anxiety attack.

Feeling intense anxiety is something that any man don't want to experience. So many people who have experienced panic attacks would resort to paying psychologists or buying treatments that promise to rid them of their attack but most of the time it really doesn't. So here we are giving you another option. There is, in fact, a cheaper and natural alternative that can help you get rid of your panic attacks.

Panic disorder can still be cured. Don't be fooled by drug manufacturers that tell you that this is incurable as they are just cheating you of your money. This is just their way of selling you their products that won't really cure you but will just help you cope. Here's the truth, panic attacks may just be caused by your busy lifestyle and poor eating habits.

You can also rid yourself of anxiety attacks by improving your adrenal health. This is because your anxiety attacks are just due to adrenal fatigue or overload. So you need to start to improve your adrenal health as this is responsible for your bodies' anxiety.

To help improve the health of your adrenal gland, you can supplement your body with vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E mixed with tocopherols, vitamin B100 complex, pantothenic acid, magnesium citrate, liquid trace mineral, and adrenal glandular. There are also herbs like winter cherry and Siberian ginseng that can help improve the health of your adrenal glands.

An herb that will help improve adrenal health is winter cherry. This is because of the sedative effect of this herb to the body. This also helps rebuild your digestive and nervous system and even helps you relax and fall asleep when you feel troubled during nighttime. Another herb that you may want to look into is Siberian ginseng which can help stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands, as well as increase mental alertness.

Lastly, you need to start loving yourself more. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are no good if you have very low self-esteem. Some anxiety attacks are actually caused by the fear of being judged harshly by other people. So you need to start thinking positively about yourself and couple that with vitamins and minerals, then you are on your way of becoming free from anxiety attacks. - 29881

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Anxiety Attacks Basics - Advice What Can Be Done

By Angie Collen

Fear attacks is not a thing to be treated lightly - particularly not for the uncountable millions of folk around the planet suffering from it. Stress can absolutely interrupt life. It can make getting through a straightforward day seem like the hardest thing in the planet. If you have got any type of anxiety disorder, you know this to be correct. What can be done for Anxiety Attacks?

Identifying Anxiety Attacks : If you have a heavy difficulty with a uneasiness disorder, you may feel symptoms like a fast a quick heart rate brought on by stressed thoughts. This quick heartbeat may cause you to feel dizzy, cold, or damp. It may 7 lead you to faint and lose perception. This is one highly dreadful symptom of a foreboding disorder, and it is commonly known as a panic fit. If this occurs to you, it is in your best interest to see a medical doctor as quickly as probable.

A further sign of an anxiety disorder is the in capability to feel comfy around other people. Understand more about anxiety & panic attacks. This is sometimes known as Social nervousness Disorder. Such a problem could cause a great deal of stress and panic for the person suffering from it. Dealing with chums, family, coworkers, and even strangers can become aseemingly insurmountable task. A person afflicted by Social foreboding Disorder may not feel cushty enough around others to hold a normal conversation. He or she may panic when asked a query, or feel surprisingly self-conscious when all eyes are on him. Finally, severalone with social anxiety disorder will try to hide from social get together's at any cost. She or he will keep to herself or himself and come across to others as very timid.

Anxiety has alternative ways of coming out and causing havoc on the human mind. A little people have an incredibly difficult time even getting out of the bed in the morning, all thanks to the fact that as fast as they open their eyes, all they can think about is the unenthusiastic things the day might bring. This kind of anxiety attacks is typically worsened and set off by a underlying problem in the people life,eg a death of somebody close, the closure of a romantic relationship or a wedding, or another upsetting event. In such cases, the hysteria can become so devastating that the person will ultimately lose the power to correctly function mentally.

Managing Anxiety : Though anxiety attacks can, in a few cases, be incredibly difficult to live routinely with, there are plenty of steps that can be brought to control the disorder. An individual suffering from anxiousness can see a medical doctor known as a therapist, who deals with treating anxiety. Apsychologist can typically examine a patient with anxiety and suggest relaxation methods. Sometimes simply having severalbody to talk to can better the situation. Concerning certain cases of extreme anxiety, where the panic attacks is too troublesome in the patients day to day life, a patient can be prescribed anti-anxiety medicine. - 29881

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How to Avoid Panic Attack at Night for Children

By Garyl Hany

The imagination of a child can sometimes harm him. The things you saw in the television can become real in the eyes of a child. After watching horror movies, children have the tendency to make a reality out of it. They would scream in terror and won't sleep as the night slowly moves to its peak. It seems a natural reaction from a child however if this is not address, things might get worse. Learn to acknowledge that children are still very vulnerable from fears.

Your child's fear after watching a horror movie may be accelerated if he is left in his room alone and in total darkness. Yes, you can put him to sleep however he may wake up at the middle of the night and cry in terror. He will start to sweat, feel cold, and his heart will beat rapidly. His imagination will start to trick him and his fear will start to devour him. He is now having a panic attack.

If the child is still too vulnerable to nightmares, it is wise that the child shouldn't sleep alone. If possible, let the child decides if he really wanted his own room. And if the darkness can trick the brain of a child that there is insufficient air, turn the lights on. This way the child feels safer and more secured.

In addition, don't let your child eat unhealthy foods. These foods do not contain enough essential nutrients to make his brain function properly. Give him only the best and assure that the foods he eats are highly nutritious. Also, keep in mind that there are foods that should be avoided before sleeping. These foods are heavy for the tummy and some people believe that they might cause nightmares.

You might also stop teasing your child and telling him ghost stories. You won't know what is running through his brain. There is a high probability that he will think that ghosts and monsters are real.

If your child sleeping habit is already affected, it is highly recommended that you let someone check him out. Otherwise, panic attack will hunt your child until he gets old. He won't get over it and his fear will control his life forever unless treated. - 29881

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Self Cure for Panic Attacks - Is It Possible?

By Garyl Hany

Panic attack is a serious condition even though it does not cause physical harm. Usually, panic attack only gives psychological effects, which are very alarming. This condition has the ability to strike anyone at random places and time. It is a scary experience and it hits like a burning flame. If you experience panic attack, you will think that everything is so surreal.

During that short period of panic attack, the sufferer will experience the feeling of dying, suffocation, and heart attack. In this point, that person will think that he is already going nuts. In the end, he will end up constantly fearing having another panic attack again.

Though panic attacks occur only for a few minutes or so, they should still be treated and given much attention. Otherwise, the life of a person is affected greatly. And if panic attacks occur repeatedly, then the sufferer needs attention from mental health professional. Panic attacks may indicate panic disorder, and depression.

On the brighter side, panic attack is curable even at the comfort of your home. Symptoms of panic attacks and some serious illnesses like heart attacks are nearly identical. Hence, treating panic attacks naturally need caution. Don't mistake panic attacks from serious conditions.

Treating panic attack without medical help requires that you have no signs of serious health diseases. If you are given a healthy body, then you can use self-cure for panic attack. There are simple steps to do this. The first and most vital step is to relax your body. This includes relaxation of the mind and body.

The next step is reassurance. Reassure yourself that everything would be fine. While doing this, breathe deeply and then slowly release your breathing. Release your breath like you are blowing a candle out. If you want, you can place your hand directly on your stomach to feel your breathing.

Lastly, constantly remind yourself that the air is your friend. The air is here to give you enough oxygen for you to breathe naturally. You can handle panic attack if you have willingness to fight it. However, be aware that if you have health diseases, you might need serious medical help. - 29881

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EasyCalm Review

By James Hayden Rayburn

EasyCalm is a 10 part video series designed to help anxiety and panic sufferers to completely eliminated future episodes. It was developed by former anxiety sufferer Jon Mercer, when he decided he was bored with letting his attacks control his life like they had done for 20 years. The informative videos were show you the steps you want to take in order to get back control over your life.

In his videos, Mercer shares the one reason people become concerned in varied situations. You'll learn really elementary strategies to stop experiencing panic attacksand the easiest way to stop them from ever returning. The effective thing about videos is it isn't just something you read and sit on a shelf, without ever putting the methods in the book into effect. With videos, it is like having someone sitting in the room with you, educating you on the difficulty you are having, and ways to solve that problem. Mercer personally walks you thru the steps of recovering from anxiety in each of his videos.

One good thing about Mercer's program is that it is available for download to your computer the instant you purchase it. This is nice because you do not have to hang around for a DVD to come in the mail. You can start straight away. The only problem I have with this course is that, although it would be excellent for visual learners, I had rather buy a book to read. Info has a tendency to sink in better when you read it, instead of just having it told to you, as it is in these videos. Plus, these videos can't be printed out for me to see outside the PC like a downloadable book is. If you like not to read, this could be the program for you.

Mercer is so sure his program will work for you that he gives you the opportunity to watch the 1st session for free on his website. The whole series, roughly 3 hours and twenty mins long, is backed by an a hundred percent eight week refund. If you are not satisfied by his videos and methodologies, you'll receive every penny of your $97 back. Mercer's internet site for EasyCalm also provides contact information for the writer, and he personally answers the emails. You will also receive 3 bonus gifts when purchasing EasyCalm. - 29881

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Avoiding Anxiety Attack While in the Air - Are You Afraid to Travel in a Plane?

By Garyl Hany

For some people, flying is not a pleasing experience. It can cause turmoil in someone's life, including nausea and vomiting. In few cases, flying thousands of feet high may trigger an anxiety or panic attack. Fortunately for some people, there are other means to travel from one place to another. But in reality, one has to ride a plane to travel much faster and more conveniently.

Truth be told, you can survive anxiety attack without ingesting medication. All you need to do is to trust and understand what's going on in your body. The solution on how to get rid of anxiety attack is within you.

Since the cause of your phobia usually comes from inside your brain, you can trick your brain such that it will function normally during a traumatic experience. Phobia has to be address so that anxiety attack is prevented. This preventive measure is very effective. The bottom line is to stop your brain from feeling threatened if there is no real fear.

For instance, hours before the flight have a hypnotic therapy from a professional. Keep in mind that anxiety attack is like a bubble. It slowly expanded and then burst. So, you have to prevent the symptoms of anxiety from appearing and accumulating. Through hypnosis, your brain can be programmed such that it can think clearly and function effectively.

For more security, you might want to bring a friend or a family with you. A close friend can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attack. During the flight, your friend will be a great distraction. You two can talk about happy moments and experiences you'd shared so that your brain is tricked that everything is fine.

But, if you can't bring along someone with you, do some deep breathing and relaxation. This is a great way to bring enough oxygen to your brain so that it can function normally. If possible, sleep on your journey. You are also encouraged not to take in alcohol or smoke prior to your journey. They can interrupt the circulation of the oxygen and blood in your body and thus increase your stress level. As an alternative, drink a lot of water, eat enough healthy food and chew gum. - 29881

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The Dangers Of Drug Abuse

By Barry Winters

Globally, abuse of drugs is a huge issue that has a lot of money tied up in trying to solve it. Drugs are imported into the US by smuggling and then are available on streets for people to purchase. Because it is illegal to buy or sell drugs in America, many line shave been blurred about the variety and quality of drugs available. Because narcotics are not illegal all over the world, production and refining is hard to target and control. The problem of abuse of drugs stems from addiction and people being willing to do anything to get the drugs their body needs.

More than ever before, the numbers are rising in terms of people's abuse of drugs when taking prescription medications. Some patients will be to numerous doctors in different towns to obtain the same prescriptions and then abuse the amount they consume. Because there are so many cracks in the legal system regarding drug use, people can deal and/or use drugs for years without ever being detected. It is difficult to trace the origin of a drug when it has been passed to so many people and manufactured so widely.

In schools educators try to teach youth about the abuse of drugs. There are gateway drugs that make trying heavier drugs seem not as serious down the road. These gateway drugs are marketed toward youth because they are more impressionable and also because the younger they become addicted, the harder it will be for them to quit.

The abuse of drugs is hard to stop on your own. Most people have to go through a safe, medical detox to first rid the drugs from their system. Massive amounts of communication with professionals helps in figuring out why the person started to use drugs in the first place. Normally, until that answer is found, the person will always return to their drug of choice.

Prevention is the strongest agent against the abuse of drugs. Modern medicine tends to treat the symptom, not the core problem, which is why some people become worse from medication or addicted to medication. When medication can be avoided, the abuse of drugs goes down because the medical problem is being treated internally. Education is a powerful tool in making sure people realize the truth about drug use. When people know the risks, they are more likely to make well-informed choices and do what is best to promote a healthy lifestyle. - 29881

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Mental Illness and Your Health

By Benjamin Kyles

Have you heard of F-99? Read up! This new definition of 'abnormal psychology' could put you in an asylum! The World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the International Classification of Diseases, revision ten (ICD-10), Chapter Five, "Mental and Behavioral Disorders" as a universal descriptor of abnormal psychology. The description of mental and behavioral disorders presented in this chapter essentially define the abnormal everyman, the abnormal men and women of the world.

The WHO rightfully takes a global view on the individual. All people in the world are equal in the eyes of the WHO. At the outset, this is a troubling position. Abnormal psychology always appears in contrast to a cultural norm. From the WHO's perspective, the individual's abnormality must be measured against a universal norm, not a cultural one. A universal norm may indeed represent the behavior of a universal or global culture. As global government emerges on the back of a global economy, a global culture may very well ensue. This means that ICD-10 will become the standard used by global government to identify and treat the abnormal personality.

Since critical treatment of abnormal behavior may result in incarceration, such as in a hospital for the criminally insane, our personal freedom may be taken if our behavior fits into one of the categories of 'abnormality', as described in the ICD-10. You can see that it only makes good sense for us to safeguard our freedom and become informed of what the World Health Organization considers abnormal psychology. You may well be shocked to learn that ICD-10 has an 'unspecified' category: this means that virtually any behavior might qualify as abnormal psychology and require governmental intervention, correction, and monitoring.

Against the norms of a global culture, the ICD-10 identifies organic, physical, affective, schizophrenic, and neurotic disorders. It includes retardation, developmental disorders, behavioral syndromes, and childhood and adolescent emotional disorders. These are certainly categories of abnormal psychology and most people would not take issue with these. What most people would take issue with, are those people who treasure liberty and would see all governments limited in exercising yet more authority, is the ICD-10, Chapter 5 category, F99, the 'unspecified' category. While all the other categories of mental illness point to well known and specific mental disorders, category F99 identifies the behaviors described only as an "Unspecified mental disorder".

The problem is immediately apparent in the phrase. All behavior that is not in one of the other, specific mental disorder categories of the ICD-10 is unspecified behavior. For example, dissent is not found in any legitimate and specific category, but the behavior fits well into F99. Dissent may represent a minority of the populace, an abnormality. Religious rituals are another form of behavior that fits into F99. Will dissent and religious practice be seen as an abnormal psychology? Will it thus require corrective treatment?

The broad generality of F99 should make it unacceptable to all people of the world. An 'unspecified' mental disorder category may have a place in research psychology, but it does not belong in the canon of abnormal psychology. If your personal freedom is important to you, hopefully this brief introduction provides a heads-up on what's coming. - 29881

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Why Using Drug Treatments For Panic and Anxiety Disorders Is Not A Good Choice

By Harry Constantine

Drug treatments are very common for panic and anxiety disorders and can be very helpful in managing both the often debilitating symptoms of the condition, as well as managing the stress that may occur during therapy. However not all drugs work for all conditions and not all drugs work for all people with the same condition.

Your drug regime will depend upon your condition. Some anti-depressants are good for treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD, a type of anxiety disorder). These are SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) and there are five drugs known to help. Other types of anti-depressants may also be used for other anxiety disorders, and since depression is commonly associated with many of these conditions, they can help in both ways. Beta blockers, though designed primarily for heart conditions, have also proved helpful in reducing anxiety levels, and the more traditionally used drugs for this condition are the benzodiazepines.

It is crucial to remember that drugs are not a long term cure for panic and anxiety disorders, instead commonly only helping for as long as the drug is taken. Once the drug is ceased, symptoms are likely to gradually return over a period of time, though this may be longer or shorter depending upon the drug taken and may range from a matter of days to many months for a drug like Prozac if it has been taken long term.

However when drugs are combined with therapy in the treatment program, the outlook is good. Therapy has a good record of treating people in the long term, but in the short term people often need help in coping until they have successfully learned the therapy techniques.

More than this-the therapy itself can be very stressful. When a person is being deliberately exposed to situations that trigger panic attacks is can be hard to cope with and may even lead to depression. Drug therapy is especially helpful at this time, in helping people to cope with the therapy that may ultimately lead to them living an anxiety free life.

It is also important to remember that all drug treatments may carry side effects, and these may get better or get worse when taken for a longer period of time. This being the case, using drug treatment as a supplement to therapy is often a wise course of action so that ultimately, the drug therapy may be ceased. Though highly effective, drug treatment for panic and anxiety disorders provides only symptomatic relief, not a cure from this bothersome condition. - 29881

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Assisting Yourself With Depression And Anxiety

By Dyan Stacer

If you are currently feeling so out of it, totally out of your ordinary procedure and just basically hating and ignoring nearly, always everything and anybody that comes along, try and get yourself checked by a psychiatric specialist because you those small mood swings and erratic behavior that you are trying to ignore for some long may be symptoms of depression and stress assist. Act fast because if you do, it will actually be way harder for you to be in a position to have yourself cured from this sickness, especially once self-delusion starts to kick in.

Actually start by carrying your depressed ass into the infirmary and get yourself diagnosed by a credible doctor of psychiatry, one that will actually help you with your depression concerns, answer all of the likely questions that you will have when it comes to depression as well as provide you with the finest available to depression care that may make you give yourself some traditional, yet very helpful depression guide. See more about self help for anxiety and depression. Simply it needs is the accurate perspective.

After basically being truthful with yourself when it comes to actually being a patient who is afflicted by depression, give up turning yourself into a victim and find out from these several types of depression the particular one that you are afflicted by : Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by unexpected and extraordinary changes in one's mood wherein one minute she is in a raised state of joy while the following minute ( day or week ) she or he is senseing to be in an individual hell, Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a sense of meaninglessness by a new mummy whereby substantial stress during child birth, a uncertain sense of liability towards the new born baby can be merely some of the likely factors why some brand new mother go through this, Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, though this time, it's been proved to be a load less severe, although of course with any case, should be treated instantly, Cyclothemia - characterized by a minor likeness with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the person suffering from this psychological illness may occasionally have severe changes in one's mood, Seasonal Affective Disorder - identified by falling in a rut only during specific seasons ( i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall ) studies however, prove that more people really fall in to a more during the Winter and Fall seasons and ultimately, Mood swings, where a person's mood may move in happy to sad to annoyed in just a little while. Nevertheless despite how frightening or how frightening a role is the road towards a sound mental fitness is, depression guide abounds and is just up to you if you are ready to take in some of that depression help, may it be from your family, friends, support group and mainly beginning from yourself, there actually is a lot of depression guide to go around.

The old proverb, slowly although surely greatly applies in making an attempt to take care of depression, as the patient stays taking the agreed medicines for his / her depression care, as well as the equivalent treatment sessions with the cognitive behaviour therapist, a patient being treated from depression wishes all of the backing and depression help that she can get.

Whilst being treated for depression, the patient as well as their family and other loved ones are advised to make practical goals in connection with depression wherein, to not assume that their depression can be simply treated in a jiffy. Depression assist begins with trying to grasp the patient's circumstances and continue on being patient as well as usual extending your assistance because depression assist isn't easy neither is the depression treatment itself, which is the reason why both patients and loved ones need to assist each other out thru every step of the way.

On no account set goals that are far above your reach, give yourself some depression and anxiety help by not being too difficult on yourself, believe that you are virtuous and powerful enough to accomplish your goals although only one step at a time. If you need additional information relating to depression and anxiety then go to, which will offer additional support and advice involving to this topic. - 29881

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EasyCalm Review

By James Hayden Rayburn

EasyCalm is a 10 part video series designed to help anxiety and panic sufferers to completely eliminated future episodes. It was developed by former anxiety sufferer Jon Mercer, when he decided he was bored with letting his attacks control his life like they had done for 20 years. The informative videos were show you the steps you want to take in order to get back control over your life.

In his videos, Mercer shares the one reason people become concerned in varied situations. You'll learn really elementary strategies to stop experiencing panic attacksand the easiest way to stop them from ever returning. The effective thing about videos is it isn't just something you read and sit on a shelf, without ever putting the methods in the book into effect. With videos, it is like having someone sitting in the room with you, educating you on the difficulty you are having, and ways to solve that problem. Mercer personally walks you thru the steps of recovering from anxiety in each of his videos.

One good thing about Mercer's program is that it is available for download to your computer the instant you purchase it. This is nice because you do not have to hang around for a DVD to come in the mail. You can start straight away. The only problem I have with this course is that, although it would be excellent for visual learners, I had rather buy a book to read. Info has a tendency to sink in better when you read it, instead of just having it told to you, as it is in these videos. Plus, these videos can't be printed out for me to see outside the PC like a downloadable book is. If you like not to read, this could be the program for you.

Mercer is so sure his program will work for you that he gives you the chance to watch the 1st session for free on his web site. The whole series, approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes long, is backed by a 100 percent eight week money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied by his videos and systems, you'll receive every penny of your $97 back. Mercer's site for EasyCalm also provides contact info for the writer, and he personally answers the emails. You will also receive 3 bonus gifts when purchasing EasyCalm. - 29881

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What Causes Panic Attacks?

By Greg Anderson

The exact reasons that people suffer from panic attacks is, in large part, not clear at this time. Even though it does appear that there might be some situations and factors which can cause a person to be predisposed toward panic attacks, there is not one certain factor that is always there.

The top scientific schools of thought today are theorizing that panic attacks could be caused by the improper arousal of the brain neurotransmitters that cause the fight or flight syndrome. Even though it is fairly certain that the fight or flight response is initiated somehow, it is still not known how or why. In fact, being scared of having more panic attacks may even make this worse and cause the response to be triggered even more often.

While precise causes may be unknown, it is known that some people are at an increased risk for experiencing panic attacks. Heredity appears to be a factor since panic attacks tend to run in families. The stress related with major life changes such as graduation, getting married, starting a new job, having a baby, divorce, or losing a job can sometimes tend to trigger panic attacks as well.

Certain medical conditions and medications appear to cause panic attacks as well. If you experience panic attacks, it is important to first rule out medical causes prior to beginning a treatment program.

The medical problems that might be related to panic attacks include the following: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, stimulant use, and withdrawal from medication.

Panic attacks which stem from diagnosed medical problems can often be eliminated or at least controlled much better by the alteration of drug doses or substitution of drugs where possible. There are other changes that your doctor may ask you to make to help control medically related panic attacks also.

If you suffer from panic attacks which are not medically related, then they can be controlled with the use of a sound psychologically based program. Since a program like this, such as Panic Away, works by first eliminating the crippling fear of future attacks, it puts you in a position of power over your own panic attacks and gives you the tools you need to beat them. Panic Away does not use drugs, hypnosis, or any kind of dangerous techniques. The methods are simple, and can be used at any time.

Since this is a program that makes sure to exert influence on only the areas of the brain that actually cause panic attacks, this is the most effective way to put a stop to these life damaging attacks. - 29881

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Depression:Tips That Will Help You Deal With It

By Jody Seiler

Increasing day by day is one of the most common problems today and that is depression. People suffer from depression for many different reasons. Studies have to been done that show students experience depression while taking exams at school or college. Depression can also be triggered from family or personal problems. Work can also cause a human to become depressed. Many people are having to deal with depression in their life. To better help you i will give you some tips on how to over come depression.

If you are suffering from depression you will experience sadness, hopelessness, pessimism and many other unpleasant feelings and thoughts. These feelings can become worse if you are dealing with an emotional battle in out lives. You will definitely feel sad and cry if you face a break up in your relation. Overcoming this depression may only take you a few hours.

Depression is a condition that can effect your life in many different ways, this is why it is so important to deal with your depression as soon as possible. Dealing with depression can become overwhelming at some point because this can be a constant feeling. Many people find it very hard to overcome depression.

You will most likely loose interest in hobbies that you once enjoyed if you are suffering from some sort of depression, this can be either social or personal. Other than, loosing interest, you may also become apart from the world. This is because instead of doing something you will rather just mope around. People who suffer from depression may also experience trouble sleeping and constant tiredness, this is common among people who suffer from depression. Below are some of the symptoms of depression.

- Loss of appetite

- Anxiety

- Feeling of inadequacy or worthlessness

- Reduction of productivity

- Recurrent negative thoughts, like death or suicide

- Have trouble concentrating etc

Overcoming depression is not easy. But don't worry, their are some effective ways that will help you get rid of your depression. To help you deal with depression you can also select your own methods. You have to take this condition seriously and try to treat it, as depression is a serious condition.

There are some medicines that will make you feel more depressed. So if you are using a medication to treat your depression you should check with your doctor to make sure the medication you are taking will help you. However, if you are looking for an option to obtain fast results to overcome depression, the best treatment for you is to consult a psychiatrist who will use DST or dexamethasone suppression test, TRH or the thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation sheet etc. You can also find many tips on the internet that will help you to deal with depression. - 29881

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How Binge Drinking Turns Into Alcoholism

By James Handforth

Alcoholism is a disease that is on the rise nowadays. It affects people of all ages and lifestyles around the world. It does not only have drastic effects on the alcoholics themselves, but also on their families and loved ones.

The term binge drinking implies a condition that means that the person in this state is consuming alcohol in large quantity in a small period of time; it is a rather new concept. The criteria for it to be termed as binge drinking is that men consume five or more drinks one after another, and in the case of women, it is the consumption of four or more drinks one after another; this should have had happened at the minimum once in the last two weeks. Whereas, if the pattern is repeated twice or more in the previous two weeks then the condition would be called heavy binge drinking. These are the approximate figure, which may vary.

There are many grounds of binge drinking. The young lot starts drinking to quench their thirst of inquisitiveness towards alcohol. Then, there can be pressure from the close circle of friends, family and associates, and the person may drink to catch up with them at various social gatherings. Binge drinking, for many people, is a way of making a party more fun; a person might opt for binge drinking to relieve his stress.

The worst form of drinking is alcoholism where drinking becomes an illness and a person drinks as a compulsion. It is impossible for an alcoholic to survive without alcohol. May be, for an alcoholic, the most important part of the day is when he is drinking. The one dissimilarity between binge drinking and alcoholism is that alcoholism is an illness that makes the person drink on regular basis.

The irony is that the binge drinkers do not believe that they have got some problem that needs a treatment. Their argument is that as they drink occasionally; therefore, it is not a problem and there must not be any concern about it. However, this type of drinking may become harmful. They need to understand that binge drinking might be counted as a type of alcoholism, which in the long run may turn into dangerous alcoholism. It can turn out to be the most dangerous form of alcoholism. Binge drinking can be pretty harmful for the body because it causes the sugar level in the blood to rise and fall quickly.

The chances of binge drinking turning into alcoholism are not odd, because the consumption always increases. There are quite a large number of people who were just binge drinkers initially, but over the time, the consumption only increased. When the frequency of consumption is increasing, it means that the person is becoming addicted to it; and the need keeps on increasing. The tragedy is that the drinkers themselves are never aware of becoming habitual of drinking. They are not ready to admit that they are becoming dependant even if they are aware of their habit.

Therefore, this problem of drinking should never be taken casually. There are many medical problems caused by excessive consumption of alcohol such as diabetes and liver diseases. This can even get fatal because excessive consumption may become poisonous. Try to act immediately if you feel that any person among your acquaintances is a binge drinker which may lead to alcoholism. - 29881

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Addiction- A Curable Disease

By James Handforth

Addiction is getting used to anything that you cannot think living without, thing that drives you or gets on your nerves most of the time. Addiction is not only of drugs or alcohol, it can endorse anything you eat or drink from pizza to coffee, medicines, sleep, internet, socializing, etc. are you an addict; can you think of something without which you cannot imagine your life? Is something is always on your mind, driving you crazy, or you want to have it constantly, if true then you are addicted.

Addiction of anything is harmful, as it destroys self-confidence slowly making oneself socially isolated. If one is observant, then addiction can be observed, and recognised if you behaviour is at extreme ends. You do not feel for people or things, which you once cherished. Having legal problems, not being regular on your work, leaving old ties and making new ones, get irritated on trivial issues, and isolation from the outer world, then you certainly are an addict. Addiction makes oneself believe that one cannot leave the horrible habit and consequently not allowing that person to take a stance and decide to quit it.

Addiction can cause the victim to become weak enough that the addict does not have confidence of giving it up, which is not the case. Coming out of it can be raw pain, and it is a slow process, which requires time and patience, but when given up, one feels it is worth the pain. Another way of looking into it is to think from religious point of view, have faith in God, and the healing process will become easier.

Addiction can only be given up if the patient is determined, and believes in the achievement, and does not lose hope during the process, which can sometimes be a prolonged one.

Removing any link to addiction, which might remind one of it helps a lot in avoiding relapse. Do not think of your addiction, as a bad habit rather think of overcoming it as strength, and publicise it to get a positive feedback from people around you. Make a list of your weaknesses, and the points where you thought yourself to be weak.

Group discussion in these things help a lot, there are professional groups of drug addicts, alcoholics, shopaholics, gamblers, etc. to help you out with your bad habits. One can always depend upon family members, best friends, spouse to help give up the addiction.

People supporting you might not be addict of the same thing, but nonetheless family is pivotal support in giving up any kind of addiction, it also brings conviction in your decisions.

Long time patients have major problems, because some of their feelings and thought process remained idle, but during the treatment after sometimes, they get greased up. When one is capable enough to cope with ones feelings, one can resolve those forgotten feelings or reaction to emotions. Strength and resolution makes it possible for you to up any bad habit by becoming its master. Long term addictions can be given up using Chinese way of treatment called acupuncture. Explore new horizons, think out of box and do not feel bounded by your addiction only then you will be able to live a life full of life. - 29881

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Conquering Your Panic Attack Inside a Car

By Garyl Hany

Is your panic attack usually triggered while you are driving? If so, thinking about this: you are stuck in the middle of nowhere without anyone to help you out and then you notice there is a car with a key on the ignition. What would you do when you notice that it is almost dark and you are already hungry? Will you let your fear dominate you and are you going to conquer it? Without medication and drug, you can survive this situation.

Panic attack is far more powerful that anxiety attack or the repulsive feeling that is normally linked with fear, agitation, or being worried. Panic attack strikes without giving any warning. It happens when you feel a sudden blow of such a great fear.

Your fear of panic attack might have originated from the idea that it can attack any minute and anywhere, inside your house, car and office. Fortunately, you will notice if it is coming to make you suffer. The sweating and chills are all part of it. Just like you had seen in a horror movie, people will feel someone is coming close to get them. Your anxiety level will accelerate and then panic attack hits. From this statement, you understand that you can stop it before it attacks.

Try to understand your body reaction and if you notice some signs of panic attack, stop for a while and do a little relaxation exercises. If possible, stop near some trees so the air is much fresher. Open your window and breath fresh air so that there is enough oxygen for your brain to function normally. Do deep breathing for at least 5 minutes or if you think the symptoms are gone.

If you are not comfortable of walking out, do a positive affirmation. For instance, think that you are the master of the road and everyone fears your presence. The road is your friend and not your enemy. It brings you to your destination. Your destiny is your own making and if you choose, everything will be just fine.

Distraction will keep you occupied if you have difficulty convincing yourself. Listen to two people talking in the radio and then find ways to relate with them. This way you will get too distracted to think about your situation. You can also talk to your friends or family using an earphone. Lastly, you can use a professional CD to encourage you. - 29881

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The Long-Term Advantages Of Going To A Rehab on

By James Handforth

People often seem to ask how long their drug rehab will take and how it will give them a long-term help. Most of the people think that 30 days are enough in a drug rehab program and addicts can get rid of their addiction forever.

Well, there is not any simple and easy answer to these questions, as different addicts are suffering from different sort of substance abuse condition. If you or some of your dear ones has become a victim of addiction, you should not to think that everything will be okay when the rehab ends.

Actually, it is quite easy to become an addiction victim, and one may become a victim in a short while; however, recovering from this curse is not that easy; and sometimes the life of an addict ends, while his/her addiction does not. On the other hand, nothing is impossible, and one can recover from a drug or alcohol addiction. All you have to do is to initiate a few right steps in the right direction, and depict a strong will to get rid of your addiction.

You need to choose the right treatment centre and rehab program if you wish for your rehab program to aid you on a long-term basis. How is it possible for you to reach your destination if you get onto the wrong bus? You will discover how important it is to pick a right rehab centre for your treatment, as you think about it.

Just like this, if you attain a treatment that does not suit your needs, you cannot make the most of it, which is why it is crucial to undergo a rehab program that is meant for your needs. Consulting a specialist before picking any type of program for your addiction is essential, because a specialist is able to guide you, helping you pick the right one.

Going to a rehab can only help you if you have a strong will to get rid of your addiction, and you are willing to return to your normal routine, without becoming any burden on your near and dear ones. If you go to a rehab without a strong desire to return to your normal life, the treatment you will get may help you getting rid of your addiction for some time and you may become a prey of it again after some time.

Considering these factors, it can be said that right steps in the right direction and strong will are essential to make the most of a rehab drug addiction treatment for long term. No rehab program can help you as long as you yourself are not willing to get rid of your addiction.

Attending a rehab will aid you only if you are serious about getting rid of your addiction, and want to turn over a new leaf. It can of great help; however, you need to help yourself to make the most of it. - 29881

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Holistic Therapy to Treat Anxiety

By Stephen Daniels

Anxiety is a frequent response to stress. When stress levels become too intense to cope well, anxiety can reach a level that interferes with daily life. This is particularly true now, in the current economy, when financial difficulties are affecting so many households.

Difficulties in handling the monthly bills, fretting about job security, and the risk of foreclosure all put people at risk for anxiety. Worries about other personal problems can also add to underlying issues.

Symptoms of anxiety can be emotional, mental and even physical, or a combination of all three. Sufferers often describe feeling trapped or overwhelmed. You may feel afraid without understanding why, or be concerned about losing control of day to day events. Big mood swings and bouts of sadness are common, as is a feeling of unreality. Anxiety can interfere with normal thought processes and short-term memory, which makes it even harder to handle immediate concerns.

Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, including dizziness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and even difficulty breathing. Some people report headaches or a ringing in the ears, and some have an increase in allergy symptoms. It is also common to have bad dreams, or trouble sleeping.

When emotional and physical symptoms occur at the same time, many people find it difficult to cope on a daily basis. It can become overwhelming to make everyday decisions. You may feel trapped, unable to see your way out of your predicament. These are signs to seek help.

A crisis intervention approach is one method to help deal with the many components of anxiety. Crisis intervention looks at the problem head-on, not as a collection of separate issues. Discussing your concerns with an experienced counselor gives you a chance to examine your situation in a supportive and constructive environment. This helps break the cycle of worry and fear, and allows you to begin the healing process.

While anxiety can be created by situations in your daily environment, it is sometimes insufficient to address those issues. Often our past plays a role. It is important to examine the underlying factors that might have contributed to create your anxiety. Emotional associations from the past, ways of dealing with problems, even basic attitudes toward life can be intertwined. Becoming cognizant of these factors and learning to work with them is one of the keys to recovery.

Anxiety can be treated in many ways. It is important to find a method, or combination of methods that works best for you. Complex problems need a variety of solutions. A holistic approach is often most effective.

Holistic therapy looks at the entire person. All the dimensions of life are considered, whether social, spiritual or emotional. It is very important to achieve a balance for life improvement, above and beyond treating the symptoms. Your mental and emotional well-being is influenced by the sum total of all the factors in your life.

Holistic therapy can help you to understand and find more effective ways to manage your life. Learning to find a balance and use your inner strength will result in the inner stability you need to endure unstable periods. Sometimes it takes a strong want to change your life, and the help of the right counselor, but there is hope for a future free of anxiety. - 29881

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What Are The Symptoms That Indicate a Panic Attack?

By Greg Anderson

Panic attack symptoms can vary widely by the person, and contrary to their name, they often involve a lot more than panic alone. Fear, illness, pain, and many other problems can come along with the feelings of panic, leaving the person suffering the panic attack feeling completely helpless at times.

Some of those who have panic attacks experience different symptoms than others, but almost also people will see an increase in symptoms if their panic attacks are left untreated.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV from the American Psychiatric Association, panic attacks will include a period of feeling intense fear or discomfort, during which at least four of the below symptoms also occur.

In a medically defined panic attack, these symptoms will peak within 10 minutes. During the 10 minutes, all symptoms will take place at some point.

The Symptoms Of A Panic Attack

Usually some of the other effects of a panic attack are some of the following: Heart pounding, sweats, chills, overheating, having breathing issues, feeling of choking, chest pain, feeling of nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, feeling like insanity is setting in, and numbness or a tingling feeling in the extremities. These symptoms may be simultaneous or may happen in rapid succession, it varies by person.

Because panic attack symptoms are truly nightmarish for many, the attacks can really interfere with quality of life. Treatment is vital, and stopping future attacks is also important.

Anyone can eradicate panic attacks from their life, but it will take a dedicated approach and often will need the use of a method such as Panic Away. This program uses the brain's inner workings to get control of panic attacks and will allow the best chance to beat them. - 29881

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How Does Residential Rehab Centres Work

By James Handforth

The most increasing problem of the youth today is drug addiction to causing many health problems. A person addicted to drugs slowly, and unconsciously become dependent on it, as he/she is consuming it on the regular basis in great quantity thus reducing his immunity, it is a condition defined in pathology and is generally diagnosed through body fluids.

A person dependant on drugs gets addicted passing through three different stages. At the first stage, he just takes drug as and when the feel the urge. This drug intake becomes a regular routine, which passes on to the second stage where a person gets satisfaction from the regular dose of the drug. In this way, the drug intake increases, taking the addict to stage three at which, he surpasses the level of intoxication, and loses interest in his life and the surroundings, his tolerance level decreases and he seems to become an introvert.

For people who want to get rid of this habit, and bring their lives back to normalcy, a large number of rehabilitation centres have opened up to cater to the needs of such people, so they can have a place to get rid of this habit. Mostly, the rehabilitation centres are built close to the nature, in the areas where there is less human population, and the beauty of nature is in abundance, so that people can experience this beauty, and it definitely affects their mood and morale in a positive manner.

The residential rehab centres design their treatment policies based on the type of drugs, and on the level, and intensity of intoxication. All the patients and their activities at the residential rehab centres are taken care for by highly trained staff. Every patient has a set timetable for various activities during the day, and he must follow this schedule of sleeping, eating, attending therapy meeting, and getting psychiatric and therapeutic sessions.

All measures are taken to ensure an absolute disconnection from prohibited substances like, drugs, and alcohol. Psychiatric treatment advised by a psychiatrist is also directed to the patient. A visiting time is set for family, and friends, which allows the patient to gain motivation, and encouragement for the healing process.

Residential rehab centres usually offer luxury suites, an indoor gym, and masseuses available on call, personal chefs, Jacuzzi, and other private amenities exclusive to all the members that help in uplifting the morale of the patients, which facilitates the detoxification process. Residential rehab centres are generally expensive because of the lavish environment settings, fully equipped and trained staff, and experienced consultants.

All the money that you put into a residential rehab centre does not go to waste, because the package also contains the out-patient therapy sessions, which are given after the patient is discharged from the rehab centre. Mostly, the results of the treatment at residential rehab centre are very positive, as they have helped in getting people off the drugs and addictions for the rest of their lives and helped them in getting rid of the impurities. The residential rehab centres does not stand any lousy behaviour on the part of any patient regarding treatment, and it definitely does not stand any alcohol consumption. They should be free of alcohol, and completely sober. At the time of admittance to the rehab centre, they sign a contract that they would have to leave the rehab centre if they are found to be consuming alcohol.

When the patients suddenly give up on drugs, they go through severe conditions for which they are given medications. Once the patients become a little stable, and get over the initial severe problems, then the procedure of rehabilitation centre starts. Apart from other treatments, spiritual treatment is an important part of the process of residential rehab centres renowned as the twelve-step recovery method. - 29881

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Too Much Stress - How To Deal With This 21st Century Stress Syndrome

By Sara Smile

Can't beat the fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, and depression? If so, your underlying problem may be adrenal fatigue or sometimes call adrenaline stress. A 20th century stress syndrome many people are struggling with these days. With the economic system getting worse more people will suffer from this syndrome. Unlike our ancestors, we live under a constant strain of stress.

Rather than the intermittent stress like the ones our ancestors had, we now live in a world where we're always over-worked, under-nourished, open to environmental toxins, worrying about others - with no relief! Could life be any worse?

Stress is governed by our adrenal glands. Two small walnut-sized glands located on top of each kidney, and are important control centers for many of the body's hormones. These glands produce adrenaline and give the body the "fight or flight" mode by increasing production of adrenaline.

When healthy, your adrenals will instantly increase your heart rate and blood pressure, releasing your energy for immediate use and sharpen your senses.

Your life consists of a endless list of demands. They might include lack of sleep, a demanding boss, the threat of losing your job, financial pressures, personality conflicts, yo-yo dieting, relationship turmoil, or a death or illness of a loved one.

Other stresses could include illness or infection, skipping meals, too much caffeine and carbs, digestive problems, over-exercise, unresolved emotional issues from your past or present and much more. Because of all this, your adrenal glands are over worked.

Guilt, pain from past hurts, self-destructive habits, unsettled relationship troubles - your past and present emotional experience serve as an ever-present stressor. It's important to deal with this type of stress.

Adrenal fatigue may also be a element in many related conditions, including fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, premature menopause and others. It may also produce a host of other nasty symptoms, from acne to hair loss.

Is what you're suffering adrenal fatigue? That depends. Most people suffer stress, it's the continuing stress that causes adrenal fatigue or adrenaline stress.

If you feel happy and well, have stable supply of energy and your emotions are strong, you sleep soundly seven to nine hours a night, and wake up feeling rested, recover well from stress, and maintain a healthy weight without dieting, then your adrenals are probably doing well.

On the other hand, if your energy drags during the day, you feel emotionally disturbed most of the time, you sleep poorly or less than seven hours a night, can't lose weight even while dieting, use caffeine or sugars to help "perk-you-up" - these are all red flags indicating adrenal fatigue. - 29881

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Healing Through The Use of Affirmations

By Lee Rich

Some ways to mentally cure stress are by employing confirmations. An confirmation is a positive statement which is repeated over and over again either verbally or mentally or written down. Without visualization confirmations are really weak.

When you take one or two minutes to develop your confirmations for healing properly, and visualize what you need to do you will be able to connect into the unlimited creative power of your subconscious and manifest your desires.

In looking for methods to mentally cure stress you may find that some of your confirmations are better than others, they are referred to as "power affirmations" and have been shown to work, and I am going to help you with them in a second.

I need you to look closely at these so you can learn how to make your own dynamic affirmations for your own specific purposes. Some should include curing stress, panic fits, nervousness and any other related issues.

Consider the following ways to write affirmations:

* I am a loving and caring person.

* I am precisely what and who I have elected to be.

* I am freed from stress ( panic episodes - uneasiness - phobias - and so on.)

* I am enjoying my life of liberty.

* I am now healthy in body mind and spirit.

The common features of confirmations are:

1. Affirmations are always stated in the present tense
(I am).

2. Affirmations are private, the confirmation is for you and you alone.

3. Confirmations are always positive, this is crucial, if you express a confirmation in the negative iti will produce negative results, remember we are who we are, where we are, doing what we do due to the predominate thoughts that occupy our mind.

4. Change your thinking, change your life.

5. Change your thinking, change your well-being.

Affirmations are short and categorical, long Affirmations can sometimes confuse the subconscious.

Using the right strategies for paths to mentally cure stress:

* Repetition is the strongest method of making change. A statement repeated time after time again will become habit, and then the habit takes over. You simply work on the habit till the habit works on you.

* Ensure you involve your feelings, believe that what you are announcing is true, see yourself "as If" you are where you wish to be, or have what you need to have.

* Nothing can beat endurance; you will not stop a person that refuses to be stopped. The most amazing achievements in the world came as a consequence of endurance, endure and you will see and feel the result.

* if you do not believe it will happen you are positively right and if you think it will occur you are completely right. I realize when you first begin it is troublesome, it is pretty much as though you are fibbing to oneself, however as you continue to repeat your confirmations you will hear a tiny voice deep inside asserting, "yeh go for it" and you beginning to use the power of the unconscious mind.

* Do not forget to personalize your confirmations for paths to mentally cure stress, it is important the confirmation is yours, and it is something that you need badly enough to work for. - 29881

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Secret Cures For Depression That Everyone Can Use

By Sunnie James

Cures for depression vary depending on the persons symptoms. To aid in depression treatment, medication and therapy maybe necessary.

The initial step for recovery is knowing that you have a problem.

For treatment, antidepressants and therapy may be required. Medication gives temporary relief, letting the person concentrate on the cause and attempt to work through it.

The medications available include: Antidepressants, anxiety medication, SSRI, antipsychotic medication and anticonvulsants. Medication is mainly a short term solution.

Types of therapy may involve talk, light, ECT, nerve, cognitive behavior or magnetic therapy.

For those who do not want medication or to see doctors, there are self help books. Self esteem, living in the present, things you are grateful for, inspiring quotes and affirmation are some of the subjects available.

Natural approaches are also used. Herbs, exercise, meditation and aromatherapy are an option.

As stated previously, realizing there is a problem is the first step in recovery.

Making excuses for being unhappy is not healthy.

Believing that you would be happy if certain things were to happen is a problem because once they do happen, you tend to set new conditions. Working towards your desired goal should bring you happiness in itself.

Building self esteem and self confidence is crucial in battling depression. With guidance, this can be done.

Advice to live by for increased happiness is as follows: Stop living in the past or worrying about the future, be true to yourself, focus on the present, find the good things in your life, let yourself move forward, improve your self esteem and confidence and list each thing in your life that you are grateful for.

Suffering from depression makes happiness seem unattainable. If your depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance, you should know that there are steps you can take to try to fight your depression.

Look at your life right now. Surely you can find things that you are grateful for, even if it is something as small as having a roof over your head or food in your stomach. Write these things down on paper and remember them. These items can bring comfort which sometimes can alter your mood.

Find enjoyment in the moment. Let the past and future worries go and live in the moment. Figure out what it is about that moment that brings you a small sense of pleasure. Doing this will help you forget about the past and the future.

Life is full of What ifs. What if you get the job, make a friend or nothing bad happens? Focus on positive possibilities. Overtime, negative thinking will fade away and be replaced with positive thinking.

Look for the positive about everything.

Some ways of doing this include the following: My job stinks but they offer flexible hours, he talks constantly but at least you know he is telling the truth. Adding a positive to any statement reinforces this thinking. Depression can make life pretty gloomy. Using this technique can shed some light into the gloominess.

Think about what can and cannot be changed in your life. Concentrate on what can be changed. Understand the difference between not being able to do it and not wanting to do it. Decide why you cannot do that particular activity and change what you can. When you realize the difference between the two good things will start to happen.

Once you realize that there are things in life that you can or cannot change and act to change the ones you can, the happier you will be. Doing this will ease the grip that depression has on your life.

Look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Imagine what it is going to be like when things get better. As long as you believe it is possible, you can make it happen. Most of the time, the only thing stopping us from achieving our goal, is ourselves.

These tried and true methods may not cure all depression; but, learning to implement them in your life will definitely help in the battle. You can be happy and overcome depression. Remember that you are not alone in your fight. Millions suffer every day and most recover so can you. - 29881

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Treating Panic Attacks - Options Available

By Greg Anderson

Anxiety is a serious medical problem. Panic attacks, which are one of the effects of Anxiety disorder, must be treated or they will often become much worse. It is not uncommon for anxiety attacks to spin out of control until they have taken over a person's life. Getting help to stop panic attacks is essential, so that they are not allowed to worsen.

Finding the treatment that you feel comfortable with is very important in the treatment of anxiety. There are several effective options available, and it is just a matter of finding the one that is the best fit for your situation. If you find one treatment ineffective, you will likely find another an ideal solution. There is something out there for every patient.

Being at ease with your anxiety treatment is of course a key element of how successful it will be.

Here are the main options for the treatment of anxiety:

Treatment for Anti-Anxiety Using Drugs

A large number of medications are designed to treat anxiety. These drugs are primarily found in the benzodiazepine family, and include such medications as Xanax, Valium, and Ativan. Some other drugs are not designed exclusively for the purpose of treating anxiety or panic attacks, but do have the side effect of reducing anxiety levels, such as anti-depressants. Generally these drugs are taken as needed, but sometimes are taken on a regular schedule so as to reduce constant anxiety problems.

Medications such as these can be quite successful in handling anxiety and panic, but they do not cure the problem, they merely medicate it when it occurs. These medications are also highly addictive, so caution should be used when taking these drugs.

Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a completely natural and for many, highly effective option for treating anxiety. Hypnotherapy combats anxiety by inducing deep relaxation, allowing underlying causes to be explored and responses to be retrained through hypnotic suggestion.

Ironically, anxiety can be an obstacle to the effectiveness of hypnosis ? sufferers find it more difficult than most to relax and ?give themselves up? to the hypnotherapist. Another limitation is that while hypnosis is effective at treating generalized anxiety it is far less effective (and potentially dangerous) at treating anxiety accompanied with acute panic attacks. In these cases, reputable hypnotherapists ted to accept patients only if they are also receiving professional counseling or cognitive therapy.

Self-hypnosis exercises practiced in the safe and familiar environment of home can provide some relief from anxiety but again, does little for acute anxiety expressed as panic attacks.

Treatment Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is often used in anti-anxiety treatment and is one of the more popular treatments today. CBT based programs help the patient to respond differently to their anxiety and panic attack triggers. CBT looks for the faulty thought patterns that allow anxiety to occur,and help the patient to change these patterns.

Cognitive therapy for anxiety and panic attack sufferers typically involves exercises with timetables to ensure progress but it can be a lengthy process. However, it is an anxiety treatment that safely and effectively addresses the root causes of anxiety and provides a lasting, usually life-long solution. - 29881

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Success in Life Requires Strong Character and Persistence

By Pascal Athlo

Perseverance helps in building a strong character. It makes you mentally tough and ready to face challenges that life throws at you.

When you view the lives of successful people, you will notice this trait is common in almost all of them. These people have a lot of persistence when it comes to pursuing their goals.

You will find that most successful people faced a lot of odds and obstacles on their way to success. They faced criticism and ridicule from people.

Many people laughed in their faces when they initially failed in their efforts. Yet, these people believed in their dreams. They continued to pursue their dreams.

You will find that these people simply refused to give up. They overcame frustration and disappointment, yet carried on. Rarely will you find someone successful who does not possess this quality.

Successful people really go after their dreams with full vigor. They do not let initial failures affect them too much. They have learned the skill of continuing despite failures.

They strive to achieve what they have set out to achieve. They will keep on fighting every obstacle coming in their way. They will show utmost resistance to hurdles and will not buckle up.

Such a kind of persistence does require strong will power and mental toughness. It requires courage and a strong determination. Meek people will easily give up long before they can come near their dreams.

Failures will usually try to find excuses and will complain about problems coming their way. But who can escape from problems and disappointments.

Successful people too had problems coming their way. But they did not behave the way these failures did. They did not start complaining or give up on their dreams.

Instead of that, they faced problems head on and tried to solve them. They may have failed many times before finally achieving success. Each time they failed, they adjusted their strategy a little and started again.

In order to be successful, you need to learn how to manage stress and anxiety as it will crop up every now and then. You might face situations where many would panic and run away. Are you sure you can handle such situations? - 29881

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