3 Vital Treatment Techniques To Heal Panic Attacks

By Pam Herstiel

When you are having a panic attack, it's not easy to handle. The entire experience can be quite scary and you can be absolutely miserable during it. All you wish is the problem to go away. If your panic attacks are so bad that your life appears to be disrupted each time, you can feel embarrassed and feel like you are losing complete control of yourself.

There are a lot of people who no longer wish to feel like their panic attacks are controlling their lives. However, they may feel just like that. A panic attack can be very debilitating. For those who feel this way there are many good tips for dealing with panic attacks as and when they happen that it is important to know.

Easy Tips For Panic Attacks

Tip 1 - Hereditary

To accept that panic attacks might be genetic is vital. If you believe this is you, the first tip for panic attacks advises you to contact your family and find out if anyone in your family has ever suffered from panic attacks. Once and if you do find someone related to you who has suffered from panic attacks you should contact a doctor about the condition.

Tip 2 - Deep Breathing/Meditation

It is a very good idea to try breathing deeply and practicing meditation if you suffer from panic attacks. When you can breathe deep and relax, you help your body to get the oxygen it needs to deal with the stress better. For any number of reason medication is not always the answer. Instead, using more natural means like breathing and meditation work much better than drugs.

Tip 3 - Don't Ignore Attacks

Don't just ignore them, hats the easiest tip for someone suffering panic attacks. Insomnia and depression are two of the possibly more troubling conditions that ignoring panic attacks can lead. If a person were to not seek treatment the panic attacks could keep them from living their lives normally. Even doing simple things can become impossible.

Using the Tips for Panic Attacks

Why is it that panic attacks are so terrible? It can be argued that the speed of a panic attack make it so terrible because you are often unable to prepare. You should also keep in mind that your fear for panic attacks can actually cause a panic attack to occur. This is why it's important to have several tips for panic attacks so you can prevent a panic attack from happening.

Why Panic Attacks Happen?

Panic attacks can be caused by a brain disorder. Physical symptoms can also be a cause. Panic attacks can, for instance, be caused by the reaction of a phobia to physical things. Having tips on hand to prevent and deal with panic attacks, again, is therefore important.

While there are only three tips for panic attacks mentioned, these are the most significant tips for panic attacks that a person can have. If you act now you can ward off other attacks in advance. So get moving on them as soon as possible. - 29881

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5 Must-Knows for Those Seeking Help with Depression

By Carl Clark

You need not suffer from a terrible loss to enter a state of depression. As a matter of fact, the cause of depression is subjective. What could seem to one like a silly reason for depression may be regarded by another as something serious. Saying so, the reasons as to why people get depressed can practically be anything that can cause a certain individual emotional pain. Some of the most common reasons are the following: a broken family, financial difficulties, breakup with boyfriend or girlfriend, a fight between best buddies, death of a loved one, bad grades, being incapable of meeting expectations of family, insecurity, and being bullied by classmates. If you are among those who need help with depression right now, continue reading for there is help for you.

First, you must nurture supportive relationships. While you might feel that reaching out to your family, relatives or friends, even those who are really close to you, is embarrassing, do not forget that they love you, care for you and want to help you feel better. Share to them what you are going through. You will be surprised at how much comfort you can feel by just having someone there who will sincerely listen. Remember that you really need help with depression. Do not be ashamed to ask for their advice. This is the time when you really need some support.

Next to cultivating supportive relationships, you must also cultivate yourself. Do not neglect your responsibility to yourself. This may not be easy, since it is natural for a depressed person to forget everything else except the depression itself, but loving yourself may actually contribute considerably to the help with depression you are after. Forcing yourself to be happy with something will never be possible so why keep on trying to force yourself when you could GENUINELY be happy? Yes, it is possible for a depressed individual to be happy if he or she would do something that he or she sincerely loves. Do YOUR thing. Play the piano. Read detective stories. Paint and experiment with colors. Bake some lasagna. Go shopping. Go out with your BFFs and dance the night away. Fill in your schedule with as much fun activities as you can. If you do not find any motivation to go out, push yourself instead. Once you are out there in the open and has gotten some fresh air while seeing your friends supportive faces, you might forget why you were depressed in the first place.

Third, even if physical activity may be the last thing you would feel like doing when you are depressed, find and make time for exercise. Research has shown that regular exercise caused the energy levels of individuals who needed help with depression to increase and their feelings of fatigue lessen as how they would if antidepressants were taken. Of course, do not overdo it. Exercise but begin small and be progressive slowly.

Fourth, eat a healthy and hearty meal. Your diet has a direct impact on your feelings. A good diet is one with a balanced amount of foods under the go, grow and glow categories. Also, keep in mind that breakfast is the most important meal because this is where you get the energy for the day. Make sure to eat well during this time. It would be best to not skip meals too. Ideally, you should eat every four hours. Avoid comfort foods. This may provide temporary consolation but afterwards, the melancholy will just come back in addition to a crash in energy and mood. They can only help with depression for so long.

Finally, counterbalance negative with positive. A state of depression entails a negative outlook in almost everything. You begin to feel worthless. You think your dreams will just stay as dreams. You lose all hope. You become sensitive to criticism and begin to hate everything about yourself. You start to withdraw from family and friends. You think that every event or situation that happens is bad and will always be bad. Stop thinking negatively. This cannot be achieved by just thinking positively, though. Instead, give a positive cause of a positive effect for every negative thought you have. For example, your employer gave you a very difficult task which you must accomplish within a very short period of time. Instead of hating your boss, think that your boss did that because he or she believes that you are competent enough that he or she entrusted to you such an important task. Furthermore, if you can manage to indeed carry out the task, your boss will be impressed, trust you more, or even give you a promotion while you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. It is also helpful to spend time with positive people. If you can see how they can be so optimistic in just about everything and realize the happiness they have because of it, you might be motivated to adopt their optimism as well. - 29881

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About Depression

By John James

The natural ways to treat depression are much for less than prescription drugs and are also considered to be efficient. These include practice, meditation, sleep, NLP and hypnosis in addition as having a balanced diet.

Exercise is one of the good ways to treat depression because it acts as a mood booster and is believed to be better than prescription medications in preventing the recurrence of mild to moderate depression.

These natural ways to treat depression are more preferent by numerous over prescription drugs because antidepressants and sleeping tablets may be addictive and can result to further and added problems. But if the sick person is already taking prescription antidepressants, you have to check with your physician whether or not any of these substitute treatments are going to be good for your case.

Since stress assists trigger depression, you better similarly learn to manage stress effectively and avoid taking illegal drugs or those that were not prescribed by your doctor to refrain from substance abuse.

In a lot of cases, supportive care that involves counseling sessions with your doctor is likewise as helpful as prescription antidepressants. It would likewise support a lot if you get assist from family in addition as from other individuals having this disorder. Other treatment being considered is the combination of behavioral, cognitive and interpersonal therapy.

You see, I thought it was my problem and that I would deal with it in my own way. But that didn't work out the way I planned. Because, I noticed I was angry all of the time. I was short with my children and I also was short with my wife as well.

I tried treating my depression with "natural alternatives". I tried to get my serotonin levels, higher of course, because that would pull me out of the depression. But again, things did not work out that way.

So I gave in and went to the doctor. I told them my difficulties and they put me on a drug for anxiety and depression since they both fine-looking much go hand-in-hand.

Men may experience a loss of sexual drive and this only adds to their sensations of worthlessness. They see this as a failure and an indication of their manhood. This could not be any farther from the truth. It's a medical condition that is caused from their depression.

Depression is a medical condition that needs to be treated. It's not a sign of weakness and ought not be considered a woman's sickness.

What causes depression is a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium of serotonin, a hormone, in the brain. It has been linked as a major contributor and a cause for somebody deciding to kill themselves.

The number of individuals who are downhearted and die from suicide is roughly fifth-teen percent. Men are four times as likely as women to die from an attempted self-killing, even though women undertake it more frequently but with failure. The elderly have the most eminent rate of successful suicides with sixty four dieing from suicide for every one hundred thousand who die generally. The amounts of recorded suicides globally have been regularly incrementing for years now, along with the quantity of people diagnosed with depression.

Whether or not you or someone you recognise is suicidal you ought to seek professional assist for them. If what the age or gender, it's not a healthy train of thought in the least. Whether or not see it as an try for attention and that they won't undertake. - 29881

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Dementia Managing

By Robert Sanders

Part of the problem in finding drugs which may be effective for dementia is that our ideas about what constitutes dementia have been undergoing radical change in recent years. It had been traditional to distinguish between Alzheimer's dementia, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (SDAT) and multi-infarct dementia (MID), which is theoretically caused by small strokes which insidiously pick off brain tissue to the point where an individual's cognitive function is compromised.

It was originally thought that MID accounted for 60%+ of the dementias. Accordingly, early attempts to treat the dementias concentrated on the multi-infarct dementias. The initial hypothesis was that these multiple small strokes were being caused by a process of hardening of the arteries, sometimes called arteriosclerosis and sometimes atherosclerosis (although these terms refer to two quite different disorders) which impaired blood supply to the brain. The logical treatment, therefore, for this condition was to attempt to dilate blood vessels. This led to the use of a wide number of vasodilating drugs such as hydralazine.

It is quite rare now for such drugs to be used for this purpose. Arguably, if anything, such treatment may have made the condition somewhat worse in that a potential effect of vasodilators is the reduction of blood pressure and reducing blood pressure would mean that the brain would be less perfused with blood, as one of the functions of blood pressure in the first instance is to provide the propulsive force to send blood up against the force of gravity to perfuse the brain.

Stage 2

More recent attempts to treat the dementias have proceeded on the basis that Alzheimer's dementia is the commonest form of dementia. For many years, the term Alzheimer's dementia was reserved for dementias that came on before the age of 65 (for this reason it was also called persenile dementia), which were not obviously caused by strokes. It was conceded that there was another dementia that was like Alzheimer's dementia, which appeared to come on after the age of 65 but this was thought to be less common. Distinctions on the basis of age have now collapsed and both dementias of the Alzheimer type are now called senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. The amalgamation of these two groups led to an awareness that Alzheimer's-type dementia is the commonest form. The primary therapeutic focus in the field, therefore, has been on an attempt to reverse the deficits which are supposed to be present in SDAT.

In particular, it has been held that in Alzheimer's, there is a dysfunction of cholinergic pathways in the brain, for which there are both historical and clinical reason. Historically, when early work in psychopharmacology began, there were only four known neurotransmitters - noradrenaline, 5-HT, dopamine and acetylcholine (ACh). Noradrenaline quickly became the neurotransmitter involved in depression and mood disorders. Dopamine was known to be involved in Parkinson's disease, and, when it became clear that neuroleptics acted on it, schizophrenia, after which the psychoses in general came to be seen as disorders of dopamine neurotransmission. For the most part, 5-HT was associated with either depression or anxiety. This left ACh without a function. It seemed convenient to parcel it out to the dementias.

There was, in addition, some clinical evidence in favour of an association between the cholinergic system and dementia. Part of the reason for this claim can be seen in a number of the chapters of this blog, in which drugs with anticholinergic effects have been noted as potentially causing amnesia or confusion (see The Management of Side Effects & Side Effects of Antidepressants articles).

Stage 3

In the last 5 years, a number of other dementias have been described. A distinction has been drawn between cortical and subcortical dementias. The cortex of the brain is the area responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as speaking, reading, planning and executing actions, etc In the cortical dementias, memory is usually the function most noticeably affected but those who are affected also have problems with planning even simple functions such as dressing and they typically cannot read, draw or execute any complex tasks. Alzheimer's and MID are cortical dementias. There are also subcortical parts to the brain which are common to humans and other mammals. They involve a number of what are termed midbrain and brainstem structures. - 29881

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Why Boarding High Schools Can Help Your Child

By April Johnson

More and more parents are sending the children to boarding high schools, as the aim to best prepare them for life at college, university and beyond. With higher average grades, and a better focus on education too, it is not surprising there is such a shift.

It is not only in the way that boarding high schools prepare students for life at university where their merits lie however. With such an emphasis on commitment to the task, and application in achieving it, a student is far more likely to achieve in their academic standard than at a regular high school.

Lasting friendships too are often formed at boarding high schools, having been created in such a close knit and supportive environment. But more than this, whilst pupils will go to different universities, the contacts and networks created through this period will stay with them for a lifetime.

Selecting the right school is important though, and there are a lot of differences between them. Whilst there are traditional schools of course; many also focus on particular disciplines; in sport, the arts and academia. Whatever is best for your child, you can be sure the dedication to their development will be amongst the best available.

There are also schools that aim to help ill disciplined children, and those with deeper routed behavioral conditions. Special needs schools are also available, where appropriate care can be given to those suffering with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome and other learning difficulties.

Before deciding upon which school to send your child to, it is important to understand the history of the school, to ensure it will present the right learning environment for your child to excel.

For example, it is advisable to organize meetings with both the head, and the heads of departments of boarding high schools. That way, you will be able to ask how their approach will fit in with your child's needs more appropriately and understand their philosophy to education and where the school is headed in the future.

These questions are so important, because of the way in which they are funded privately. Many have been set up with clear goals in mind, and work towards these above all else. And despite the academic record, they may not be suited to your own beliefs.

With studies showing that these boarding high schools are well above average in exam scores, it is likely this will not be a concern; but it is always worth checking the last five years; just to make sure they're still performing. - 29881

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Why Boarding High Schools Can Help Your Child

By April Johnson

An increasing number of parents are electing to send their teenagers to boarding high schools nowadays, as they wish to give them the best start possible. An excellent preparation for life at university, and life in general, it is not hard to understand why.

It is not only in the way that boarding high schools prepare students for life at university where their merits lie however. With such an emphasis on commitment to the task, and application in achieving it, a student is far more likely to achieve in their academic standard than at a regular high school.

Holistically too they exceed, as friendships are formed that will last long after boarding high schools have been attended. That these associations will be there to be called upon as they journey through life is also a bonus.

However, it is important that you select the right school for your child; and there are a breadth of these to choose from. Many boarding high schools focus on particular areas of study, whilst others are geared towards to the arts, and aim to allow your child to reach their full potential in the chosen discipline.

There are also a significant number of schools that can help poorly behaved children and those that suffer certain medical conditions. With these schools, whilst there is an obvious emphasis on care, their especially tailored lessons will allow the very best environment to eke out a child's potential and help them become a valued member of society.

Such is the wide variety of schools to choose from, it is necessary to ask questions and fully understand the answers and what they mean. For example, try and discover the history of the school, and what has made it the institution it is today.

If possible, (and it really should be), you will find it useful to have discussions with the head, and heads of faculties; perhaps even junior members of staff if allowed. They will help you see what direction the school is headed in, and better understand the philosophy.

These questions are so important, because of the way in which they are funded privately. Many have been set up with clear goals in mind, and work towards these above all else. And despite the academic record, they may not be suited to your own beliefs.

Other questions to ask of these boarding high schools should also center on their academic achievements of course, though research shows that they do score above average in most exams and aptitude tests. - 29881

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Two Vital Tips On How To Stop Panic Attacks When Driving

By Marcia Francous

Those suffering from panic attacks often have their life grind to a halt because of them. Daily activities can sometimes become impossible. They may have panic attacks that are so severe that staying home is a better idea than trying to deal with life. They can begin to "lose control" over a lot of things when they suffer a panic attack after all.

For instance, they may lose control over their bowels where they will need to spend time in the bathroom until the panic attack ceases. Many times a panic attack may feel like a heart attack; the person may be unable to breathe, the chest feels tight and races.

being behind the wheel of a car is the worst time to have a panic attack. Panic attack sufferers often wonder how to stop panic attacks when driving. This is because they would like to keep themselves, and others on the road, safe.

Some Tips On How to Stop Panic Attacks While Driving

If you are having a panic attack while driving there are some tips to help you stop it. What are these tips?

Tip 1 - Prevent An Attack/ Seek Outside Therapy

The best tip for anyone trying to stop panic attacks while driving is prevention. Seeking help form a therapist to try and discover the reason for your panic attacks is the first step. Once the trigger has been identified, the person will know how to stop panic attacks when driving by using relaxation techniques that the therapist has shown him or her to do. Once calm, the person can look for a place to stop for a time until the panic attack has completely ceased. No doubt this is how to stop panic attacks when driving for everyone's safety on the road.

Tip 2 - Pull Over

When having a panic attack someone might be unable to get calm enough to pull over. Pulling over before a panic attack get fully take hold is therefore very important. In this situation a person should turn on their emergency lights after pulling over to the side of the road. After they have stopped the car they can then focus on beating the panic attack before to gets to bad.

Why is it more difficult to stop a panic attack while driving even if the person has all the tools to deal with an ordinary panic attack? That your concentration is on two things at once makes it more difficult. Not only do they have to worry with the anxiety and potential panic attack, they have to worry about the roadway and everyone else on it. What is the best way to stop a panic attack while you are driving? Pulling over and using the relaxation techniques recommended to you by a physician is the best way of stopping a panic attack while you are driving. - 29881

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How To Locate The Most Effective Treatment For Anxiety Disorder

By Sally Sneiderman

It is scary dealing with panic attacks. A person who suffers from a panic attack may feel like they are dying like he or she is suffering from a heart attack. Why does a panic attack make a person believe they are having a heart attack? The person's chest will tighten and their heart will pound wildly.

There have been cases where a person who is suffering from a panic attack will have to run to the bathroom because they cannot control their bowels. It doesn't matter what the reason is; they only know that they must go to the restroom. Some people suffer from tightened muscles to the point of cramping up. Some people will sweat copiously or be short of breath. Some people may even suffer from most or all of these symptoms.

Why People Do Not Find the Best Treatment for Anxiety Attacks

A lot of times people suffering from panic attacks will look for assistance. Sometimes people don't seek help because they don't want to admit to other people that there is a problem because of their fear of what it might mean. Yet, without outside help, the problems will only get worse. People who do not get the help they need might find that eventually they are unable to cope with day to day life.

Narrow Down the Best Treatment for Panic Attacks

Since no one person is the same, narrowing down the best treatment for panic attacks is going to change from one person to the next. But there are a lot of treatments available that have worked for thousands of people suffering from panic attacks. Which are the best options for people suffering from panic attacks?

Treatment 1 - Discuss With A Therapist

The best treatment for panic attacks is to speak with a therapist about them. Therapy tries to discover the root causes behind panic attacks and cut the condition off at the source. For instance, therapists will often look at the person's childhood to discover the truth. Once found your therapist can work on the underlining reason behind your panic attacks with you. What makes this the best treatment for panic attacks? It makes the person understand what makes them have the panic attacks so that, if it should occur once more, it won't be so scary.

Treatment 2 - Relaxing

Using relaxation techniques can reduce the severity of your panic attacks. What makes that the right choice? It is recommended because people can learn to relax before having a panic attack. What does relaxation mean? Relaxation techniques help people concentrate on steady breathing which in turn helps them remain calm by distracting their attention. - 29881

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How To Adopt Proper Sleeping Habits?

By Rosana Horowitz

There are some people in the world who revere their morning routines. They seem to always wake up on the right side of the bed, full of boundless energy and enthusiasm. They start every new day with high optimistic expectations, thinking that the day would go exactly according to their plans. Now, these rare species of human beings are very few. Of course, every once in a while, you wake up feeling that everything in your life is exactly as it should be. You are at peace with the world, and the poignancy of the moment might make you teary eyed, but let us face it; it does not happen everyday (the tears might not be of joy after all - you have breakfast to prepare, get ready for work, chores to do, bills to pay, etc). Although the purpose of this article is not to get you down in the dumps and make you feel bad about your attitude towards life, it is human nature to procrastinate, grumble, drag the feet and put off the inevitable until the very last minute. Alas, I, as a concerned citizen, have decided to do something useful, and have outlined a morning ritual, which if followed, would benefit us all. Just follow my lead:

Early to bed and early to rise:

An adult needs at least eight hours of sleep to feel fresh and equipped to tackle the up-coming day. So, make sure that you get seven to eight hours of necessary good night sleep.

The primary point to be considered is to have sufficient sleep of about 8 hours. Having a sound sleep of about 8 hours is a healthy habit. It will help you in conducting the whole day activities in an efficient way.

Another best way to wake up early is to set an alarm on a clock with a snooze button on. The clock must not be placed too close to be easily switched off. It should be at a distance so that you can easily hear its sound but cannot turn it off to silence. Most of the people blame their alarm clocks for their late rousing. It is not the fault of the clock. All you need is to bring about attitudinal changes.

Stand up straight away:

Try to keep your curtains open while sleeping at night. In this way, you will see the rising sun in the morning and wake up. Moreover, you will also get to know that it is the perfect time to wake up by hearing the songs of the birds. If you use blinds on your room windows, just keep them open.

Moreover, it is also suggested to keep your room temperature normal. You must not keep your room warm, even in winters. It will also help you waking up early in the morning. - 29881

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How To Stop Panic Attacks - A Panic Therapy Plan

By Harwood Canfield

Lots of individuals who are subjected to panic attacks are accused of being somebody who merely wants attention. This attitude is completely misguided. Although a panic attack is not the same as various accepted medical conditions, it is both a mental and physical disorder that must be taken very seriously. If you are subjected to panic attacks and want to learn how to stop panic attacks, see a physician immediately to get a panic therapy that will control your condition.

Panic disorders are technically under the umbrella of anxiety disorders, as classified by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Other anxiety disorders include agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among other conditions. Over twenty million people in the United States alone put up with some sort of anxiety disorder or another.

Panic disorder is characterized by reoccurring panic attacks that regularly come about without warning and unexpectedly. A panic attack is an severe feeling of illogical dread that lasts over a period of time. Several symptoms of a panic attack may or may not include a pulsating heart, chest pains, sweating, difficulty breathing, the fear of going crazy, shaking, cold or hot flashes, a choking sensation, and queasiness. One panic attack does not mean you should be diagnosed with panic disorder, but if this condition occurs a number of times and interrupts your life, you should see a doctor right away.

Most people suffer the unpleasantness of a panic attack at some point or another in their lives. While this can be a frightening experience, you should normally not be concerned unless the month following the panic attack leads to continuous worry about having another panic attack, continuous nervousness about a condition that could be related to the attack, or major changes in your routine.

After you undergo a panic attack, even for the first time, see a doctor. Try to clearly think about the symptoms you've experienced and record the time and length of the attack. This information will help your physician find the best treatment choices available for you. Often, panic attacks occur simultaneously with other anxiety disorders, therefore being clear about your experiences will help your doctor to understand your experiences.

Consider, panic attacks are real. Despite the fact that there might be a few instances where people pretend to have attacks to get attention or for other reasons, this is not the norm. If someone around you is suffering a panic attack, offer your assistance and call a physician without delay to get help for the person. If it is you that is having panic attacks, you ought to look at the reviews of the top "how to stop panic attacks" programs to find the best panic therapy treatment for you. Below are links to help you increase the quality of your life... - 29881

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Boost The Body And The Mind

By Carlo Mueres

The closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be.

For instance, people who live within 1 kilometer of a park or wooded area experience less anxiety and depression, Dutch researchers report.

The findings put concrete numbers on a concept that many health experts had assumed to be true.

"It's nice to see that it shows that, that the closer humans are to the natural environment, that seems to have a healthy influence," said Dr. David Rakel, director of integrative medicine and assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

One previous study had noted fewer health inequalities between rich and poor people in areas with lots of green space, and other studies have echoed these health benefits. But much of this research had relied on people's perceptions of their physical and mental health.

This new objective look at the matter involved scouring medical records of 345,143 people in Holland, assessing health status for 24 conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases. This information was then correlated with how much green space was located within 1 kilometer and 3 kilometers of a person's postal code.

People living in more urban environments had a higher prevalence of 15 of the 24 conditions, with the relationship strongest for anxiety disorder and depression.

In areas with only 10 percent of green space, about 2.6 percent of people experienced anxiety disorders, compared to 1.8 percent of people in areas with 90 percent green space. The disparity was evident for depression as well - 3.2 percent of people living in more urbanized areas had depression versus 2.4 percent of those in more rural areas.

The health benefits were evident only when the green acres were within a kilometer, not at the 3 kilometer perimeter, except for anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal digestive disorders and so-called medically unexplained physical symptoms, the researchers said.

Children and poor people suffered disproportionately from lack of green acres, the researchers found.

The study findings were published online Thursday in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Any number of factors could account for the benefits of green space, experts said.

More natural sunlight, for instance, has been linked with a lower incidence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other benefits.

"If patients in hospitals have direct exposure to sunlight through a window or natural sunlight, hospital stays are shorter and patients have less complications," Rakel said. "That's been well-established.

More light also means more vitamin D in the skin, which has been found to elevate mood and improve muscle strength, he added.

And fresh air, obviously, has a benefit as well, as do the exercise opportunities that come with more open space.

But much of the relief may come from the simple ability to de-stress.

"If we're in a busy street with more technology and artificial things, we're going to be multi-tasking more, which prevents us from focusing on one thing," Rakel said. "In this day and age, we really need some sort of centering practice. We need to get our mind out of its own stories and focus on something that's pure. Nature is a beautiful example of that - it's the way things were meant to be. - 29881

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Don't Ignore Your Anxiety Attacks

By Kathy Nelson

Just because the event you are attending isn't a huge one it doesn't mean that you won't feel anxious. The anxiety attack can often be brought on by someone at the event. The expression "love makes people do funny things" is very true and the focus of anxiety attacks are often love interests, either present or past ones.

Anxiety attacks always have a trigger event, the problem is that the trigger event may not be an obvious one. If a tiger comes up to you, then it is easy to work out what the trigger event was for your panic attack. Some people's triggers are not so obvious, they can be far more subtle and may even require a series of events to happen.

Your body is programmed to protect you, and for all of our years of education, rules and regulations when faced with situations that our mind considers to be dangerous it will try and force us to either stand and fight or run. This is called fight or flight and has managed to keep the human race alive for millions of years. The problem is that the high levels of chemicals released at this time can cause you to have an anxiety attack if you are unprepared for it.

Our body is a very complex mixture of muscle, fat and lots of other stuff that includes various chemicals. Some of the chemicals are designed to give us boosts of energy and make us more alert at times of fear or even stress. Some people don't handle these situations as well as others, so they experience a anxiety attack.

Symptoms can be a mixed when concerning panic. But any panic sufferer will attest to the immense feeling of anxiety that comes along with an anxiety panic attack. The good thing about an anxiety panic attack is that in most cases they can be controlled. Exercise, controlled breathing, a healthy diet, relaxation, even just someone to listen, all of these can things can help control panics. For many people the way to go is to find out what causes the panic attack and then learn how they can take away or reduce that factor in their life. - 29881

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Treatment For Anxiety Attacks

By Kathy Nelson

If you feel that you may be having an anxiety attack the first thing you need to do it not panic, and I know that is easier than it sounds. Once the feelings of anxiety have passed then it is time to seek help from a medical professional. Don't try and guess a diagnosis, don't let your friends tell you what it is , unless they are a qualified Dr.

There are no miracle cures for anxiety, and attacking the symptoms of your anxiety attacks only fights half of the problem. The doctor will try and rule out any medical conditions first. You should be upfront with your doctor if you are taking any medications or have any diseases that can bring about the symptoms of a anxiety attack.

There are so many things that can cause your anxiety that it can often be hard to diagnose exactly what the cause is the first time you see a Dr. Take the time to answer your Dr's questions fully and never miss an appointment, he is your best chance of getting help and in the early stages of anxiety he may be the only person who ever knows you have it.

One of the most common trigger events for anxiety is when people start using drugs. However something as mundane as a large intake of caffeine can also start your anxiety attacks. This is why it is vital that you let your medical professional do a full check up on you as soon as possible.

Only by getting treatment for your anxiety attack can you hope to get better. It is important to think about your lifestyle. If your anxiety attacks are keeping you from living a normal life then it is probably time to consult a doctor. There are certain signs to think about when determining if you should see a mental health professional.

Anxiety can creep up on you and suddenly it is in charge of your life, Anxiety is not a fun thing to have take over your life. Your appearance will suffer, your work will deteriorate and often people with anxiety end up losing their jobs all together. Get help as soon as possible.

Many people work in jobs that have a certain level of stress and anxiety, some people seem to thrive on pressure. We are not all the same and the way that you deal with the level of stress in your life is a personal thing, you are not a failure just because you are not happy dealing with the stress and pressure that someone else does.

Anxiety does not have to be part of your life, you can remove it totally from your life with some time and some help.The first step is admitting that you need help and then going and asking for that help. Once you have taken that step on the road to recovery all you need to do is keep on walking towards your new anxiety free life. - 29881

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What Is Mental Depression And How Can You Deal With It

By Kimberly Tyler

The term mental depression brings fear to those who hear it.

When you infuse the word mental into any illness it encourages some to believe that one has lost their mind.

It's not the case. Mental depression is a mental illness but it does not mean that you are crazy.

You have to free yourself from the age-old stereotype that has been associated with mental illness since the beginning of time.

Yes mental depression is a disease of the mind but it is a disease that can be treated effectively and you do not have to feel abnormal or inferior to other human beings.

This year 15 million people will be affected by mental depression.

Unfortunately only a third of those will ever seek treatment because they are ashamed to admit they are suffering. The primary issue should be health.

Wishing away mental depression doesn't work.

The illness is persistent.

It can affect anyone, anywhere at any time. It doesn't care about your color or the god you worship.

Money means nothing to it. It does not care if you are young or old.

The illness is boundless.

Early detection can be a great boon when it comes to treatment.

But the signs of mental depression aren't easy to spot.

Everyone is down from time to time.

Mental depression is not a temporary affliction.

Mental depression has a lot of symptoms.

Sufferers avoid contact with others.

Engaging activities may no longer amuse them.

Anxiety may increase and insomnia may result.

The eating habits may change.

The ability to deal with those around them may be impaired.

Feelings of hopelessness may arise, and despair results.

Their emotional and physical health will begin to show wear and tear.

They can be suffering from mental depression and not even realize it. Sometimes we have to realize it for them.

Many things can cause depression.

Stress can be a key. Stress itself is complex.

Stress comes from relationships and even the struggle to make ends meet.

There is also stress from losing someone you love.

In many cases it is believed that mental depression can be passed on genetically.

Many things cause depression. But many possibilities exist for treatment.

One typical treatment revolves around 'talk therapy'. This allows those that suffer to talk out their problems and look for positive reinforcement.

Prescription drugs and natural herbs can also work.

There is a cure for mental depression that begins with treatment. - 29881

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The Reasons For Anxiety Attacks: Both Physical and Psychological Facets Of The Disorder

By George Mathews

People who suffer continuously with panic attacks often wonder to themselves what causes of panic attacks are there. Unfortunately, there is not one simple answer to this question but many answers. One answer that usually ranks highest is the fear of the unknown. Things that you don't know about are very natural things to get worried about after all. The fear the person feels is further enhanced by the changes the body is going through. As these fears become increasingly high, it will begin to engulf them, causing them to become inflicted with a panic attack.

How to Beat the Reasons Behind Panic Attacks - Specifically the Physical and Psychological Side of Panic Attacks

To look at the cases of panic attacks it is very necessary to consider the physical and psychological aspect. When learning all the information it is a good idea not to become overwhelmed by it. When the symptoms arise, for what looks like out of nowhere, it's vitally important to not become beleaguered by those symptoms.

So what's the answer to handling the causes of panic attacks? The answer is within you in fact. You must empower yourself to deal with the symptoms of panic attacks when they come about. What is causing the panic attacks?

Panic Attack causes - Phobias

irrational fears, or phobias, are often named as a cause of panic attacks Why do we develop phobias? Phobias are often connected to a traumatic event in your past that has snowballed into a larger effect. When something reminds you of the incident in your past the fear is realized in your own head once more. If panic attacks are cause by phobias the only way to eliminate them is to eliminate the phobia.

Examples of Memories That Create Phobias:

Driving down the road you see that the red light but vehicle in front of you isn't stopping. In an instant your car is thrown form the road without even a second to think about it. You're scared, angry and hurt. After your physical wounds have healed, you begin to drive once more. Yet, you anxiously wait for a repeat especially at red lights. Out of nowhere the fear seems to come at you regularly. This is a driving phobia.

Biological reason behind panic attacks

There are more things that cause panic attacks then just phobias. There are also biological reasons tat cause panic attacks. A lack of Vitamin B or healthy foods in a diet can lead to some people suffering panic attacks. Medical issues other then a poor diet can also cause panic attacks. Here are some examples:

- Hyperthyroidism - Hypoglycemia - Inner ear problems

Other Reasons Behind Panic Attacks

Traumatic events and bad diets are not the only things to cause panic attacks. There are many other causes for them. For example a person might suffer panic attacks due to their consumption of alcohol or if they are suffering drug withdrawal. Medication can also cause panic attacks. Those suffering from hyperventilation syndrome can also begin to have panic attacks. A sudden death in the family can cause panic attacks especially as you deal with the loss.

As noted, there are many causes of panic attacks. But there are five main reason behind panic attacks. These include:

- Hereditary reasons - Lack of brazenness - Lack of proper nutrition - Pharmacological triggers - Phobias

It is very important to seek help right away and find out the cause if you begin to suffer panic attacks. - 29881

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Natural Treatments for Panic Attacks Which Do Not Rely on Medication

By Pascal Athlo

Before you start your mission of treating panic attacks, you have to first make absolutely sure that you are really suffering from it. Many people may wrongly assume it but only a licensed therapist or a doctor can diagnose and say with authority that you are indeed suffering from panic attacks.

Patients who experience panic disorder do not exhibit any special signs or symptoms which are characteristic of just this disorder. Most of the symptoms may be occurring due to other health problems as well.

Many panic attack sufferers complain of a pounding heart during an attack. But this symptom is so much similar to a heart attack that it would not be wise to ignore the possibility. In order to avoid wrong diagnosis, you should consult a qualified doctor and go through extensive examination so that correct analysis can be done.

After a comprehensive examination, once it is safely concluded that you are truly suffering from panic related disorder, then you can proceed ahead with its treatment.

It is best to try a panic attack treatment without medication. Medicines can carry grave side effects with them. Another problem with medication is that you may get seriously addicted to them. So even if you get cured of the problem by taking medicines, another problem might crop up now in the form of getting habituated to these drugs.

Some people are hesitant to try out medication because of the problem of side effects and addiction. There are a number of other alternative therapies for such people to effectively deal with the problem.

You can try out aromatherapy if you want a drug-free solution to your panic problem. Aromatherapy makes use of essential oils which are known to reduce anxiety and induce calmness. Mixtures will be prepared from these essential oils and given to patients for inhaling or massaging on to their body. You might even be asked to take a bath with water mixed with these essential oils.

Acupuncture is another thing you can try out. It is a very old branch of Chinese medicine which still has a lot of worldwide followers. There are various pressure points in the human body which once activated will help in overcoming anxious thoughts and feelings. These pressure points are activated by lightly piercing needles at different places. You will feel relaxed and better able to cope with stressful thoughts and situations.

Another good treatment option is to try out herbal remedies and herbal teas. There are various herbal tea preparations which can help in overcoming or reducing anxiety if take on regular basis. The benefit of herbal remedies is that it usually doesn't carry harmful side effects with it.

The above mentioned alternative treatments are mostly natural treatments for panic attacks without the aid of any pharmacy medications. People may feel safer in going for natural methods of panic treatment. An additional benefit is that they are usually cheap, so a many people can easily afford such treatments. - 29881

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6 Useful Tips On How You Can Manage And Reduce Stress

By Tom Henderson

Everyone has some stress in their life. It does not matter how hard you try or how much you avoid, stress finds us all. Everyday stress is a bigger problem for someone suffering from panic attacks. Since stress is so draining, it can cause a person to deal with a multitude of mind and body disorders. What are some stressful medical problems a person may be subjected to? Some include:

- Anxiety attacks - Dizzy spells - Muscle cramps - Nervousness - Sleeplessness - Tension

Stress can also have devastating effects on a person's heart, immune and nervous systems.

Research stress management articles to gain insight on how to deal with stress

How To Deal With Stress Tip 1 - Discover The Stressor

Stress management articles obviously touch on a lot of ways to deal with stress. The first thing you have to do in order to manage stress is discover the thing that is causing it. After that you can begin to deal with stressful events by dealing with it regularly.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 2 - Laughter as Therapy

Stress is often best handled with laughter, as is said in many stress management articles. With so many possible stressors in your life, it's best to take each one with a bit of humor. When you can laugh at what stresses you out, then you can think clearly and maintain some peace of mind. But, as some Stress management articles have said, laughter not only relaxes you mentally but can have a great physical advantage as well. How can it help? Some examples are:

- Boosting immune functions - Cleansing the lungs - Ease stress hormones. - Increasing muscle flexion - Improving body's blood circulation - Improving cardiac conditioning - Improves well-being - Endorphin release

How To Deal With Stress Tip 3 - Doing Yoga

Many stress management articles recommend doing yoga to combat stress. To relax the body and mind there are few better options then some of the yoga positions and breathing exercises. However, you need a quiet location and a comfortable sitting position to start the yoga exercise.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 4 - Get A Break

Another thing stress management articles suggest is to move away from things that cause you stress for a while. When you get a break, you can get back to the problem at hand with a fresh perspective. Do something that you find enjoyable such as:

- Going for a walk - Listening to music - Playing with your kids - Reading a book - Relaxing in the tub - Swimming - Watching television

How To Deal With Stress Tip 5 - Talk With A Friend

Talking with someone you trust is often "stressed" as a good way to deal with problems by stress management articles. When you have a support system you can lean on, you can deal with the stress much better. An important activity, according to stress management articles, is to write down your stress triggers so friends and family can understands what's causing the problems.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 6 - Change How You Deal With It

Many stress management articles will tell you that how you change your reaction to the stressor will change how you feel, physically and mentally. Try to remain calm and not overreact to stress triggers.

There are often a lot of stress management articles at the library. But never forget to try an Internet search for stress management articles. Stress management articles can work as guides to help you deal with stressful situations. - 29881

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Different Tips To End Anxiety Attacks: 4 Easy Techniques

By Mike Salvador

High anxiety and panic attacks often go hand in hand with each other. The biggest reason the person is suffering from anxiety and panic attacks is that they haven't resolved a past conflict, which masked itself into a physical condition. Another reason for panic attacks is that the person is unable to deal with the stressors in their life. Without the necessary skills to deal with stressors it is not surprising they are not able to cope.

There are many methods to deal with panic attacks. You have to learn the methods before you can deal with panic attacks. You cannot get your life back on track until you learn how to deal with panic attacks. So how do you start living again?

Stopping panic Attacks: Four Great Ways

Chances are that anyone who has bad panic attacks wants to know how to stop them. Actually, there are four ways you can do this.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 1 - Counseling

When you are looking for ways on how to stop panic attacks, the first thing you should look into is speaking with a therapist. By asking you questions a therapist will hope to find an underlining cause for your condition. What could a therapist examine to find a root cause for panic attacks?

By examining your childhood a psychologist will look for a fear or early childhood phobia. An example would be a fear of closed spaces. A therapist will also ask about life specifics, both good and bad. A therapist can uncover phobias this way, for example you may remember being locked in a closet or small space for a long time. This could be a significant reason behind your fear of enclosed spaces such as a small room or elevator.

Next you may find that stressful situations like work and a death in the family causes you panic attacks.

Before you can deal with panic attacks the root cause for them must be found and acknowledged.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 2 - Finding Ways To Cope

Methods for dealing with your panic attacks that are appropriate both before and after they occur will then be suggested to you by your therapist. Deep breathing, among other things, may be one of the things they suggest. By breathing deeply a person finds themselves relaxing but it also makes sure that a body and mind get all the oxygen it needs to fight panic attacks. This means that a person will be less likely to suffer from panic attacks and will help them overcome an ongoing panic attack by making them more calm and steadying their heart beat.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 3 - Grounding The Attack

Besides the two methods above you may want to try grounding a panic attack. How do you do this? Simply put you can drink a glass of cold water or hold an ice cube.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 4 - Focus On Objects

Paying attention to your surroundings and even naming them as well as trying to remain calm is a good way of handling a panic attack. When you focus on each object, you stop focusing on what caused the panic attack. - 29881

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Steps To Cure Panic Attacks Easily

By Olivia Harper

Panic disorder is a standard condition in which a person has episodes of intense fear or hysteria that happen suddenly. Panic attacks can indicate the presence of panic disorder, depression, or other forms of anxiety-based illnesses. A panic episode often lasts for a bit and is one of the most distressing conditions a person can experience. Panic attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep. An attack often tops within 10 mins, but some symptoms may last longer. At least 1.7% of adult US people, or about 3 million folks, will have panic episodes at some point in their lives. Panic attacks might be indications of an agitation disorder.

These attacks are a serious health problem in this country. About five percent of the people will experience panic fits during their lifetimes. There also appears to be a connection with major life transitions such as graduating from varsity and entering the workplace, getting wed, and having a baby.

Severe stress,eg the death of a friend or family member, divorce, or job loss can also trigger a panic attack.

More women than men are affected by panic attacks. Some folk are influenced by frequent panic fits, a condition known as panic disorder. A panic attack is a response of the sympathetic nervous system ( SNS ). The most typical symptoms may include : trembling, dyspnea ( trouble breathing ), heart palpitations, chest pain ( or chest tightness ), sweating, revulsion, dizziness ( or slight vertigo ), light-headedness, hyperventilation, paresthesias ( shivering sensations ), sensations of choking or smothering. Lots of the symptoms that happen in a panic fit are the same as the indications of sicknesses of the heart, lungs, viscera or nervous system. The similarities between panic disorder and other illnesses may add to the person's fear and anxiety during and after a panic attack. Heredity, stress and certain biochemical factors may play a part. Many medicines can make panic attacks less harsh or stop them altogether. Paroxetine ( brand : Paxil ) and sertraline ( brand : Zoloft ) are antidepressant drugs that have been licensed by the U.S.

Medications from the beta blocker family ( for example, propranolol ) are occasionally used to treat the physical symptoms related to a panic attack. Antidepressants are very effective in forestalling agitation and panic episodes. Anti-depressants won't make you lose control or change your personality. These drugs can be employed for as long as mandatory, even for years. Alprazolam and clonazepam ( brand : Klonopin ) are also medicines authorized by the FDA to treat panic disorder. These drugs give relief from concern and anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral care helps folks learn to handle panic symptoms, using techniques like muscle and breathing relaxation. Anti-depression drugs, such as Tofranil, frequently help reduce uneasiness and the frequency and severity of panic fits. Psychotherapy offers support helping to reduce the fearfulness of symptoms, and often is acceptable to clear up the disorder.

Panic Attack Treatment Tips

1. Alternative treatments like meditation and relaxation treatment are usually used to help relax the body and relieve anxiety.

2. Psychotherapy offers support so helping to reduce the fearfulness of symptoms, and often is enough to clear up the disorder.

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps folk learn to deal with panic symptoms, using strategies like muscle and breathing relaxation.

4. Antidepressants, such as Tofranil, often help reduce tension and the frequency and severity of panic attacks.

5. Benzodiazepines - These anti-anxiety drugs act extremely quickly.

6. Antidepressants have been shown to reduce or eliminate panic attacks . - 29881

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Heroin Addiction? Get Cured Immediately At Cliffside Malibu

By Jacob Ross

Cliffside Malibu is an exclusive addiction treatment center located on a private beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean.With highly trained professional staff who are focused on helping patients overcome their heroin addiction, Cliffside Malibu is the facility of choice for individuals in need of discreet, private and effective treatment for heroin addiction. Leave all your worries to us and we will handle the rest.

Constant monitoring of your progress by a counselor who will be assigned to you for the duration of treatment will ensure quick and permanent recovery. Expect an unmatched degree of satisfaction of attention, leading to your full recovery.

Upon admission, you will have access to our after-care program on completion, helping ensure that you remain drug-free. Because we know it's a hard battle and are hence willing to do everything to give you the best results possible. Cliffside Malibu's heroin addiction program begins with a period of doctor-supervised detox and purification process and includes group and individual therapy designed to address both physical and psychological issues.

Treatment requires a good and clean environment which can provide you with adequate motivation and courage to get out of your habit, and this is exactly what is provided by Cliffside Malibu. Our doctors and therapists are well-versed in dealing with heroin addiction and have developed treatment programs that concentrate not only on the physical addiction to heroin, but also the reasons behind getting addicted in the first place. You will have access to our after-care program on completion, helping ensure that you remain drug-free.

Our services include a beautiful, private location overlooking the Pacific Ocean, discrete staff and a security-minded estate, gourmet meals, spa treatments and personal trainers to help you continue with your struggle against heroin. Our proven medications and great results are other reasons why you should immediately get yourself admitted.

Any future problems can also be easily dealt with. So what are you waiting for? Call us now, and get cured. We are available 24 hours a day at 800-501-1988. - 29881

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Popular Antidepressant Amongst Men

By Carlo Mueres

Nortriptyline has been found to cause a ten-fold increase in suicidal thoughts in men when compared to its competitor escitalopram. These findings are published in the open access journal BMC Medicine.

The research was carried out by Dr. Nader Perroud from the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, who headed up GENDEP, an international team. Dr Perroud said "Suicidal thoughts and behaviours during antidepressant treatment have prompted warnings by regulatory bodies". He continued "the aim of our study was to investigate the emergence and worsening of suicidal thoughts during treatment with two different types of antidepressant."

Both escitalopram and nortriptyline have their effect through the mood modulating neurotransmitter systems. The former is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), preventing serotonin from re-entering the cell and thereby prolonging its effect on nerve synapses. The latter is a tricyclic antidepressant that inhibits the reuptake of noradrenaline, and to a lesser extent, that of serotonin.

The study was carried out on 811 individuals with moderate to severe unipolar depression. Whilst an overall trend in reduction of suicidal thoughts was observed, men who took nortriptyline were found to have a 9.8-fold increase in emerging suicidal thoughts and a 2.4-fold increase in worsening suicidal thoughts compared to those who took escitalopram.

Perroud concludes, "Our findings that treatment-emerging and worsening suicidal thoughts may also be associated with psychomotor activation triggered by antidepressants needs to be investigated in future studies.

The study also refutes the idea that newer antidepressants such as the SSRIs are worse than older medications in terms of increasing suicidal thoughts."

Notes: Suicidal ideation during treatment of depression with escitalopram and nortriptyline in Genome-Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP): a clinical trial Nader Perroud, Rudolf Uher, Andrej Marusic, Marcella Rietschel, Ole Mors, Neven Henigsberg, Joanna Hauser, Wolfgang Maier, Daniel Souery, Anna Placentino, Aleksandra Szczepankiewicz, Lisbeth Jorgensen, Jana Strohmaier, Astrid Zobel, Caterina Giovannini, Amanda Elkin, Cerisse Gunasinghe, Joanna Gray, Desmond Campbell, Bhanu Gupta, Anne E Farmer, Peter McGuffin and Katherine J Aitchison - 29881

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Stimulants: Effective Medical Treatment For Autism?

By Jason Myers

It is noticeable that Autism affects each patient differently than the next, and so, every patient is approached differently regarding their treatments and rehabilitation.

Other than the non-medical interventions, such as music, listening, speech, language, and vision training, medications are also prescribed in certain patients to lessen a number of Autism signs which are not lessened through the non-medicinal teaching offered to parents and care givers or special diet alterations.

One kind of treatment that is frequently used to control the Autism symptoms of destructive and violent actions, as well as epilepsy, is stimulants, such as the regularly prescribed Ritalin and Adderall. Out of the approximately 58% of Autistic patients recommended a pharmaceutical treatment, only around 17% are prescribed stimulants. This small ratio is mainly because of the efficacy of antipsychotics and antidepressants, which also results to less dependability.

The manner that stimulants aid to control symptoms of Autism Disorder is by increasing concentration and diminishing hyperactivity and impulsiveness, however, this is not without possible side effects. As we are properly aware, prolonged use of stimulants may lead to drug dependence, and consequently should be utilized only if there is a noticeable development in the patient's behaviour or irregularly with other therapies.

As with any set of conditions that may result to drug dependency, expert session and advice must be sought on a recurring basis. Other side effects are insomnia, loss of appetite, hypertension, and abdominal pain. If a parent or caregiver notices any of these symptoms, the doctor should be informed immediately. Other treatments may be prescribed by the doctor as an alternative in order to avoid any invasive indications that are disturbing the patient's daily life functioning other than necessary. There are a lot more resources and information regarding autism signs, symptoms, treatments, and advanced scientific study in, Autism: Everything Parents And Caregivers Should Know About The Disorder. - 29881

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Depressed? Have You Tried A Good Natural Depression Cure?

By Susan Clooney

Do you suffer from depression? Has your life been forever changed by something you'd never really thought about before, like getting depression. For so many people this is their story, however so many are also not aware that there are some simple natural depression cures that can be very effective.

There is an assumption that depression is a condition that can only be tackled by health professionals, that it will only respond to pharmaceuticals. And for this reason so many people end up on an endless circle of drugs which are supposed to treat your depression but may at times be as bad as the depression itself.

Does this describe your life? Are you finding that you never seem to get off the drug merry go round? That some of these drugs are addictive? That you can't sleep well from them, you put on weight? That you can't get off some of these drugs?

That sometimes you feel like the cure is worse than the cause, that pharmaceuticals have taken over your life and you'd just love to feel, well, normal again rather than medicated?

It's not uncommon to feel like that. Once your diagnosed with depression it can be one long slippery slope of pharmaceuticals. But not everyone needs to feel like this, because there are sometimes some simple natural depression cures that can make a big difference.

And all of this doesn't mention how much it all costs. Depression can lead you into bankruptcy, you never seem to stop spending money for those drugs. Wouldn't you like to cut down on this constant spending on pharmaceuticals?

Not only are there some excellent natural depression cures they can cost way less than all those expensive drugs, and often cost nothing. And they aren't addictive. Let me give you just 2 simple samples, though there's way more than 2 natural depression cures.

Here's example number 1. There is now clear link between eating more fish and lower rates of depression. Studies have shown over and over that societies with higher rates of seafood consumption have lower rates of depression. It's the Omega 3 fast in fish that do it, and studies are continuing to find out more.

Number 2. There is a strong link between increasing exercise and lowering depression. There are chemical and psychological reasons why this is so, but it works.

Now of course there are many causes of depression, and many different treatments and cures. There's no guarantee that if you increase your exercise and Omega 3 your depression will be gone. However if you take a range of natural depression cures and work on them you may well find that there are excellent results to be had for you.

And you'll smile when you go to the bank next time and see how much money you've saved. Not to mention no more drugged out feeling.

If you have depression you owe it to yourself to try some simple natural cures for depression. You can try them in conjunction with your current treatments with your doctors approval, and you may even find that some of them help you get healthier as well, a side bonus.

So if you're just not finding that the mainstream pharmaceutical approach to treating your illness is working, you're feeling drugged out all the time and you're going broke, maybe you too could benefit from some simple, effective, cheap or free natural depression cures.

Visit my website to get my book of natural depression cures. You've got nothing to lose but your depression. - 29881

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The Root Cause as a Cure for Anxiety - A Personal Testimonial

By Marcia Francous

the root cause testimonial

The eBook, The Root Cause, detailed a lifestyle technique that helped eliminate my OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It helped me do this by teaching me how to find the "Root Cause" behind my OCD. The method concentrates on OCD but I think the method would be helpful to anyone suffering from any anxiety disorder or stress related issue.

My OCD disorder eventually led to other anxiety disorders like panic attacks and phobias until I was finally at my wits end. Everything offered me by the medical community was designed to treat the symptoms but not eliminate the disorder.

The Root Cause, on the other hand, helped rid me of the disorder entirely and let me get back to a normal life.

The Root Cause provided a good deal of the information currently known about anxiety disorders like OCD and also detailed an effective method for dealing with them. I decided to give it a try because the testimonials on the website showed it to be well tested and proven. The Root cause honestly reduced my symptoms and eventually, through the variety of information and resources it provided, cure my OCD.

Pros of The Root Cause

An eBook means that I will always have the information to hand.

The Root Cause has many applications, and I'm sure it could help anyone suffering from any kind of anxiety disorder.

People who have been suffering for years as well as people who have only just developed the condition.

Why Some People Might Not Want The Root Cause

Not everyone likes to work through things by themselves and some might want a more hands on approach.

My Conclusion

The Root Cause has Helped a variety of people overcome a variety of conditions as well as myself. The Root Cause addressed the continuing cycle present in all anxiety disorders by finding a 'root cause' for behind them and in the end completely ended my struggle with the condition.

A Natural method of dealing with anxiety, the Root Cause, is based on personnel experience with an anxiety disorder and impressed me no end with its results. The Root Cause is also side effect free, which for someone like me who was worried about medication made it the perfect choice. - 29881

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Understanding Depression: The Ins and Outs

By Jennifer Basinview

Depression is one of the most insidious problems that we are dealing with today. Understanding depression is valuable because plenty of folks are dealing with feelings and emotions that threaten to destabilize their emotional and physical well-being. Unfortunately, this condition goes undiagnosed due to an imperfect understanding of the causes and effects of depression. By being able to spot the symptoms of this illness, you will be in an improved position to combat depression.

1.) Depression is not brief. Every person has feelings of dejection from time to time. Nevertheless, long-term, sustained feelings of sadness, isolation, and seclusion are a primary characteristic of depression. These feelings begin to influence daily existence causing personal harm and straining relationships with family and friends. While plenty of folks who suffer from depression do not seek aid, psychiatrists state that most people who undergo therapy can get better.

2.) Signs of depression. Before you begin battling depression, you must be able to distinguish the signs. It is central to observe, that though the symptoms vary from person to person, most depressives will exhibit some variety of the illness. These symptoms include deep sadness, as well as feelings of meaninglessness and isolation. Moreover, a lot of sufferers experience feelings of guilt, unimportance, and helplessness.

Coupled with these emotions, many depressed people also experience physical symptoms as well. Fatigue, impatience, and loss of interest in personal well-being are manifest signs of depression. Others will actually face psychosomatic indications, such as headaches, cramps, and digestive problems that are painful, persistent, and inexplicable.

3.) Caring for depression. There are a few approaches to handle depression. The two most common ways are through medicine and clinical aid. Medicine, in the form of antidepressants, regulates brain chemicals in way that normalizes mood and emotions. Plenty of experts believe that we are beginning to over-prescribe antidepressants and the long list of potentially detrimental side effects is cause for apprehension.

Psychotherapy is type of therapy that teaches people how to change their way of thinking and behaving. By addressing the core causes of depression and teaching people to handle and direct their emotions, psychotherapy is a valuable means of dealing with mild to moderate levels of depression.

Understanding depression is the first step toward indentifying and treating this illness. If you are depressed, you will not just "get over it" one day. You deserve to lead a life of joy, ease, and joy. Depression is an enormously hurtful and dangerous illness. By working together to promote awareness of its symptoms and effects, we all will be doing our part in battling and combating depression. - 29881

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Things That Cause Fear: 5 Everyday Incidents That Result In Panic Attacks And Anxiety

By Caroline Henderson

What causes fear? Why does fear seem to cause some people to react irrationally while others go on without too many issues? What causes fear to paralyze a person from living their lives? Some people will focus on the fear, which lead to more problems. What are these problems ? For one thing it can lead to Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks. This is when a person will need to seek outside treatment such as a therapist to overcome what causes them fear.

If regular therapy does not seem to help a person suffering from fear then a therapist might prescribe medication to supplement the treatment into what causes fear. But any medicine should be used a for a short duration, but also for as long as is necessary to help the person trying to resolve what causes them fear. This means the person will use certain techniques that will help them to relax and eventually they may be able to wean off the medication.

What Causes Fear - Five Main Causes of Fear

Fear 1 - Common Social Situations

Many people have a problem dealing with social situations. For one thing they may not enjoy being around other people. Some people try to keep people away, both physically and emotionally, due to childhood social memories or even later trauma that effected their belief in others.

Fear 2 - Social Settings of Various Type

Often times a person can have a specific fear about certain situations. For instance, a person may not be able to speak or perform in front of a large group. This fear is often based in a bad memory of a similar experience.

Fear 3 - Closeness to Certain Animals

Animals are a major factor behind what causes fear for some folks. For example a man might not like being near dogs because he was bitten as a child. Of course some people are afraid of dogs because they do not have much experience with them.

Fear 4 - Insects like Arachnids

There are many other things people are afraid of then mammals. Many people are afraid of creatures that are a lot smaller and have a lot more legs. What's the most common fear in the insect world? That would be a spider, actually. Spiders have a tendency to come up on a person suddenly and get into small spaces quickly. A lot of people suffer an irrational fear of the cockroach as well. Cockroaches are also fond of showing up and surprising people.

Fear 5 - Enclosed Spaces

Sometimes a person is afraid of being in an enclosed space. What causes fear such as this? This is usually due to an experience of being closed in an area for a significant length of time such as staying in a tornado shelter or closet during a tornado warning. Punishing children by putting them in small areas like closets can often lead to a fear of enclosed spaces in these children as adults. A fear of enclosed spaces has also been caused by getting trapped in an elevator when the power fails for a long time.

As you see, what causes fear for one person can be similar or different from their friends. While such debilitating fear can affect a person everyday life, with time and help, it is possible to overcome what causes fear and panic. - 29881

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Aging Brain

By Carlo Mueres

Surfing the Internet just might be a way to preserve your mental skills as you age.

Researchers found that older adults who started browsing the Web experienced improved brain function after only a few days.

"You can teach an old brain new technology tricks," said Dr. Gary Small, a psychiatry professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the author of iBrain. With people who had little Internet experience, "we found that after just a week of practice, there was a much greater extent of activity particularly in the areas of the brain that make decisions, the thinking brain - which makes sense because, when you're searching online, you're making a lot of decisions," he said. "It's interactive."

Small is co-author of the research, which was scheduled to be presented Monday in Chicago at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.

"This makes intuitive sense, that getting on the Internet and exploring and getting new information and learning would help," said Paul Sanberg, director of the University of South Florida Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair in Tampa. "It supports the value of exploring the Internet for the elderly."

Most experts now advocate a "use-it-or-lose-it" approach to mental functioning.

"We found a number of years ago that people who engaged in cognitive activities had better functioning and perspective than those who did not," said Dr. Richard Lipton, a professor of neurology and epidemiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and director of the Einstein Aging Study. "Our study is often referenced as the crossword-puzzle study - that doing puzzles, writing for pleasure, playing chess and engaging in a broader array of cognitive activities seem to protect against age-related decline in cognitive function and also dementia."

The new study takes the use-it-or-lose-it concept into the 21st century.

For the research, 24 neurologically normal adults, aged 55 to 78, were asked to surf the Internet while hooked up to an MRI machine. Before the study began, half the participants had used the Internet daily, and the other half had little experience with it.

After an initial MRI scan, the participants were instructed to do Internet searches for an hour on each of seven days in the next two weeks. They then returned to the clinic for more brain scans.

"At baseline, those with prior Internet experience showed a much greater extent of brain activation," Small said.

After at-home practice, however, those who had just been introduced to the Internet were catching up to those who were old hands, the study found.

"This is a demonstration that, over a relatively short period of time, patterns of brain activation while engaging in cognitive activities change," Lipton said. "That is at least a first step toward gaining insight into the mechanisms that might allow cognitive engagement to influence brain function."

But, Small said, beware how you use the Internet.

"You can exercise your mind by using the Internet, but it depends on how it's used," he explained. "If you get hooked on gambling or eBay shopping, that may not be positive. - 29881

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Your Patient Rights In Therapy

By Carlo Mueres

Before you go into psychotherapy, you should be informed of your rights as a patient ahead of time by the therapist. The therapist should, in addition, give you a printed copy of something that reads similar to the below, so that you can take it home with you. We've long had a version of these rights here on our website, but I thought it might be helpful to further describe or explain each right in a little more detail.

Therapists nowadays may also often offer you their guidelines for electronic and/or outside contact, (such as through Facebook, email, telephone, etc). This sets the ground rules for how you may contact the therapist outside of session, in event of an emergency, or in the event that you just want to share something with your therapist (or change your appointment or such).

You should know that these rights are not absolutes, and there may be exceptions based upon what kind of treatment you're undertaking, under what conditions, and in what country or province you live in (even state laws vary that may alter some of these rights). If you have a specific concern with one of these rights, you should discuss it with your therapist during your next session.

Every patient engaging in psychotherapy with a professional has the following rights:

You have a right to participate in developing an individual plan of treatment. Every client in psychotherapy should have a treatment plan that describes general goals of therapy, and specific objectives the client will work on in order to achieve their goals. Without such a plan, how would you know you've made progress?

You have a right to receive an explanation of services in accordance with the treatment plan. The therapist should describe the process of how they work with clients, in as much detail as you prefer and time allows.

You have a right to participate voluntarily in and to consent to treatment. You are there voluntarily and should understand and consent to all treatment provided you (unless you have been court-ordered or have other state-imposed restrictions).

You have a right to object to, or terminate, treatment. Don't like therapy or a specific type of treatment? You can leave at any time without any kind of repercussions (unless you have been court-ordered to attend therapy).

You have a right to have access to one's records. Yes, although many professionals don't like it, you have a right to review the records they keep on you.

You have a right to receive clinically appropriate care and treatment that is suited to their needs and skillfully, safely, and humanely administered with full respect for their dignity and personal integrity. Your therapist should be skilled and trained to administer the treatment he or she said they would, and do so in a dignified and humane manner. You should never feel unsafe in your therapist's presence.

You have a right to be treated in a manner which is ethical and free from abuse, discrimination, mistreatment, and/or exploitation. Therapists shouldn't use your story to write a book, a screenplay, a movie, or have you appear on a television show. They shouldn't attempt to leverage the therapeutic relationship in an inappropriate manner (e.g., sexually or romantically), and they shouldn't pass judgment upon you based upon your background, race, handicaps, etc.

You have a right to be treated by staff who are sensitive to one's cultural background. No matter what your background or culture, you should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, by all staff (including billing staff, receptionists, etc.).

You have a right to be afforded privacy. Your sessions are confidential and private and will not be overheard or shared with others.

You have a right to be free to report grievances regarding services or staff to a supervisor. More of an issue if you're being seen in a clinic or hospital.

You have a right to be informed of expected results of all therapies prescribed, including their possible adverse effects (e.g., medications). Psychiatrists should go through the list of common adverse and side effects of any medication they prescribe. If a type of psychotherapy treatment also has adverse events, those should be described to you at the onset of treatment.

You have a right to request a change in therapist. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with the therapist chosen. That's nobody's fault and the therapist should help you find his or her replacement (through a referral, at minimum).

You have a right to request that another clinician review the individual treatment plan for a second opinion. You are entitled to a second opinion by a professional of your choosing at any time.

You have a right to have records protected by confidentiality and not be revealed to anyone without my written authorization. - 29881

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