Overcoming Panic Attacks- Practical Steps To Assist In Your Recovery

By Lance Verster

Panic attacks remain very serious psychological conditions that can prove quite jarring for the person that experiences them. When an attack occurs, the feeling can be overwhelming and the duration can be interminable. Some may wonder how to deal with such a problem. Often, the key to overcoming this is following a number of atypical steps that can lead to alleviating the problem. Often, these methods are a far better (and safer) alternative to the common prescription therapies that are utilized.

Controlling your breathing. Of all the panic attack symptoms that are most frightening, hyperventilating is probably the most difficult to deal with. However, if you start to hyperventilate, you can get control of your breathing by taking slow, deep, controlled breaths. Usually, breathing deeply while counting down from 10 - 0 is a helpful process

Yoga ties into controlled breathing since this is a large component of the exercises. Yoga also includes gentle stretching that can help relax the body and bring it down to earth. Does this mean you need to get into a yoga posture when a panic attack occurs? No, not at all as you can simply modify your current posture to one that is more akin to a relaxed physical state that is conducive to yoga based calming positions.

Being helped by someone you are familiar and comfortable with can also be of assistance, even if you only talk to them on the telephone. The simple act of having a friendly ear to listen to what you are going through, your fears and your worries can be of huge benefit. You may also find it useful (especially if you live alone) to join a support group. The good thing about support groups is that you are amongst fellow sufferers, so you can talk to people who are experiencing the same problems that you are. You can swap ideas and experiences and maybe learn some new techniques off them that could help you. It is also comforting to know that you are not alone.

Panic attacks are the physical manifestation of stress, worry and pressure. But none-the-less the physical symptoms are very real and very debilitating. Some people even become housebound because they are afraid of suffering an attack when they're out and about. This can sometimes turn into agoraphobia. All to often a panic attack sufferer is not aware of exactly what it is that triggers an attack, but finding out is crucial if further attacks are to be minimized or avoided.

If you hope to cure yourself of panic attacks you must first not only learn what causes them, but you must also understand how and why your body reacts in the way that it does. Support groups are helpful for this, but it is equally important that you should carry out your own research too.

Diverting your attention is a very useful strategy, so it can be helpful if you compile a short list of phrases or sayings, or maybe even jot down the words of a favorite soothing song to sing to yourself.

It may also be beneficial to seek the help of a professional therapist. Such a person is of course trained in these matters and may be able to find the cause even if you can't. Once found, they may also be able to help you to deal with it. - 29881

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